Chapter 57

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Tyler's POV: ~~March 13th, day of the date~~

       "You're a dick." I stated through my laughter as Troye criticized the bowtie I was wearing.

       "It looks great on you babe. You just tied it wrong." He giggled and reached forward to fix it. I let of a huff of breath and crossed my arms while he fixed it. Earlier while cuddling with Troye, he told me we didn't necessarily have to dress fancy, just nice. So, I put on black pants, a dark maroon button up, and a black bow tie to finish the look. Troye had black jeans and a dark blue-green button up. "You should wear your hat." He mentioned, holding up my black fedora. I laughed lightly and took it from him, placing it on the black of his own head so his quiff was peeking out of it.

       "I already have a bow tie, I think it looks better on you with your outfit." I muttered with a grin, pulling him closer by the hips. 

       "You're the queen, you look better in everything." He argued playfully, wrapping his arms loosely around my neck.

       "Although that may be true," He sent me a glare, "this hat looks sexy on you." In reaction to my words, Troye blushed and looked to the floor.

       "Come on, we should be going." He mumbled abashedly and my grin grew in success.

       "So you'll wear it?!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes.

       "Tillyyyyyy." He whined, taking my hand in his and pulling me out of our room.


       "So where are we going?!" I asked eagerly, bouncing on the heels of my feet.

       "You'll see in just a few minutes." He replied for the hundredth time and I let out a whine.

       "Troye! I hate when you surprise me!" I complained and he rolled his eyes again.

       "You love when I surprise you, you just hate waiting." He pointed out and I sighed.

       "I hate you." I muttered and he shook his head.

       "Sorry I don't particularly reciprocate those feelings." He said quietly and I could feel myself blush, despite his words not even being that much.

       "There's nothing up ahead! Where the hell are we going?" I exclaimed and he groaned loudly, turning to face me.

       "You really want to know where we're going?" He asked in a defeated tone and I instantly felt bad. I didn't want to rain on his parade or anything. I bit my lip and shook my head, causing him to smirk as though he knew what my answer was going to be all along. "Then come on sugartits." He teased, wrapping his arm around my waist. I moved away though, just to wrap my arms around his arm so I could snuggle myself closer. We continued walking for a few more minutes before he paused and turned to face me again. "You ready?" I nodded eagerly and he gave me a soft smile. He dragged his hand down my arm and then locked it with mine. I smiled and we turned to face where he was taking me. 

       Admittedly, my smile faltered for a moment when my eyes landed on the small structure. The building was about the size of an average house, and looked like it was made solely out of wood.

       "Don't judge a book by its cover." Troye whispered in my ear, and then pulled my past the doorframe. 

       "Hello." A man wearing normal clothes greeted. "How may I help you?"

       "We have reservations. Troye Oakley for two." My eyes widened at Troye's words and I stole a glance up to him. He had a smug smile on his face, but he wasn't looking at me.

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