Chapter 69

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Tempted to put a smut warning for this chapter but frick there's no smut but idk sensuality?

Ps answer the question at the end of the chapter 

And I would have uploaded earlier today but something happened and out of nowhere I was watching Dan and Phil repeatedly

Troye's POV: ~~Three Month Time Skip~~

       "How far are we?" Tyler questioned eagerly and I chuckled at his childishness. 

       "We should arrive in about a left turn and a right turn." I replied and he clapped his hands together. "Is the truck still behind us?" I asked. I kept getting nervous that the driver of the U-Haul truck would get lost on the way, which would only make it longer to move in.

       "Still is, just like it was thirty seconds ago." Tyler sassed, and I let one hand go of the steering wheel to slap his arm playfully.

       "Alright it should be coming up on the right side of the street." I mentioned and he hurriedly turned away from me to peek out his window. We had been to this apartment, but only twice before and not for long. The first time we went, we instantly talked to the realtor but Jackie wouldn't let us set up a deal until she also saw the apartment, so we had to see it a second time. It was truly perfect though and after a bit of wagering, we managed to call the apartment our own. Fortunately, the apartment we rented was one that was at the bottom of the apartment complex and looked like a mini house on the outside, so we could imagine it was completely our own place. I could hear Tyler squeal as I pulled into the parking spot right outside of it. 

       Tyler hopped out of the car while I still put it in park, and I soon joined him at the front door. He brought the key to the little lock above the knob but an idea sparked in my mind and I placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he turned around to look at me and I grinned.

       "Whatever you do, don't make fun of how cheesy this is." I chuckled, which only made him look more confused and more excited. "Jump into my arms." I muttered, wrapping an arm around his waist. His eyes glinted with amusement as he finally seemed to understand, wrapping his arms around my neck. He swiftly jumped up, curling his legs, and I wrapped my other arm under his knees so I was carrying him bridal style. He giggled and quickly unlocked the door, helping me push it open. The second I walked inside I spun around once, which caused him to throw his head back in laughter. "We're home!" I announced and he continued to laugh quietly. 

       "Put me down you dork." He teased kindly and I obliged to his request, but I held his hands so he couldn't walk away. I then placed my hands one either side of his neck and started peppering kisses all over his face. His own hands clung onto my wrists as he continued to giggle. 

       "This is where we start, alright?" I whispered and he nodded against my hands.

       "The Oakley-Mellet home." He replied quietly and I shook my head the tiniest bit.

       "The Oakley home." I whispered back and his cheeks became red. I then smiled and pressed my lips against his, a feeling of warmth filling my chest when he immediately kissed me back. 

       God, kissing Tyler made me feel as though I was falling down a never-ending chasm of light and warmth and happiness. It was like with one brush of my lips against his, everything was reassured. Our love, our future, our friendship, who we were together--everything seemed to fit perfectly together. Nothing was doubted, nothing was feared, everything was right.

        After another few seconds of kissing, Tyler grinned and pulled back, shaking his head slightly.

      "Come on, the mover's are probably sitting outside." He reminded, linking his fingers with mine and pulling me back out of the apartment.

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