Chapter 41

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A-N: Wow 41 chapters and they still aren't dating. I almost want to make them not kiss again until chapter 58 just to mess with the Freak readers

Btw I wrote this whole chapter in Tyler's POV and hated it so I had to change the whole thing ugh the pain

Troye's POV:~~February 10th~~

We tried not to talk about the trip so much, Tyler and I. Anytime we did bring it up, we got so excited that we were basically blabbering nonsense. I was so excited for it that whenever I talked about it, my stomach actually hurt a bit. The only time we did talk about it was in the beginning, when we both first heard about it, the only reasoning being we needed to find people to bring and decide where to go. All we decided though was the Alfie and Zoella were for sure coming, if they could make it. We didn't want too many people to come, because it'd be easier to get around with a smaller group, but we hadn't said anything more yet.

Right now, though, I was sitting at in the cafeteria with a group of my friends, although it was actually bigger now due to couples and other relationships. We had to push two tables together to fit everyone. It included my group of girl friends, every guy I hung out with the one day in January, Zoella, and a few others. It was completely chaotic. Things were being thrown around, everyone was yelling, the girls were squealing at the guys...I loved it. I never got a chance to be in this kind of friend group before, I mean, not since I was a child. I, however, wasn't really a part of all of it. I know it might sound boring or sad, but I was just too lost in my thoughts to participate in their wild behavior.

Apparently I wasn't being that subtle about it, because just moments after I finished eating my meal, Zoe and Bethany came skipping up to me.

"Hey girls." I greeted with a soft smile and they grinned back.

"Hey Troye!" They both shouted loudly and I rolled my eyes at their childish antics. "Are you okay?" Zoe wondered, genuine concern seeping into her tone. I know she's been nervous about me ever since my breakup with Connor, but I never gave her the satisfaction of crying all my problems out to her. I was truly okay. I didn't even tell her what Steele did to me, I simply stated that I had family problems but things were resolved.

"I'm perfect." I muttered. "Please, stop worrying." I insisted and she let out a sigh.

"Okay..." She replied and Bethany giggled. Zoe glared at her but Bethany just couldn't stop herself.

"What? Why is she laughing?" I asked defensively, instantly thinking it was something about me. Well, I wasn't half wrong. Zoe rolled her out and pouted her lips out, but I could tell she was only doing it to stifle a smirk, which wasn't really working well.

"She's wondering if you happen to have plans with a certain someone"—Zoe winked—"on Sunday." I furrowed my eyebrows. Sunday? Why Sunday? My eyes widened the second I understand what they were getting at. My jaw dropped and I gasped.

"Zoe!" I scolded. "No, I don't." I mumbled and she sat down next to me, leaving Beth to sit across from us. She then nudged me in the side with her elbow.

"But you plan on asking him, don't you?" She urged and I shrugged, trying not to smile.

"I don't know..." I replied sheepishly and she giggled loudly.

"You so are!" She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, not able to contain my smile or blush anymore.

"Maybe..." I continued to mutter and she started slapping my arm in excitement. So what, maybe I was planning on possibly asking Tyler to kind of be my wasn't a big deal.

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