Chapter 59

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Tyler's POV: ~~March 16th, Last Day of the Trip~~ (Yes I skipped a day)

       I can't do it. I can't leave him. I knew we both only had two months left until graduation and then we'd be moving in together, but it still seemed like too much time away from him.

       No longer would I wake up wrapped in his arms while he kissed my fake, no more would I be able to hold his hand out in public, now it was just me and my phone in a relationship. Okay, so I was exaggerating a little bit. But who knew when we would really see each other again! Sure we were graduating in two months, but what if we didn't get to see each other till the end of summer? We still haven't figured out our living situation yet. I let out a sigh as I begrudgingly ate another spoonful of my cereal. We only had about 30 minutes before we had to leave for the airport, and mostly everyone was making last minute packing arrangements. 

       I heard a loud sigh and turned to find Troye strolling out of our bedroom, stretching his arms. I gave him a soft sad smile and he reciprocated it. The day before we had refused to even mention that it was our last real day, even when we were packing our suitcases. He took a seat at the barstool next to me and loosely placed his hand in mine, not looking up from our hands as he rested his cheek on his hand glumly. It took me another minute or so before I lifted our hands and pressed my lips to the back of his. This gained me his attention finally. When his eyes met mine though, I seemed at a loss for words. My parted lips just twitched a few times before I shut them and looked away. The second I did that though, he placed his finger under my chin and got me to look up at him again. He took a breathe as his eyes flicked down to my lips. He shook his head slightly and leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine. I moved forward further and closed the space between us, but was forced to sit back in my seat the second our lips touched do to my mom walking in the room. 

       "Hello boys!" She exclaimed cheerily. I glared at the back of her head for being so perky on a day like this, and I hear Troye snicker next to me. 

       "Hi Jackie." He replied.

       "You guys ready to leave?" She asked as she took a sip from a disposable coffee cup. I sighed again and looked down to the counter.

       "I guess." I mumbled, not even half as enthusiastic as my mom was. When I looked back up I realized she was staring at me sympathetically and I rolled my eyes.

       "Don't worry Tils, soon we will be seeing each other every. Single. Day." Troye added, linking his hand with mine again. "Seriously, you'll get tired of me." The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile and I rolled my eyes, but this time adoringly with a giggle. "I'm not joking!" He argued. "I'll always hog the duvets, mess with your supplies, eat all the Nutella"--He suddenly leaned close enough that his lips were brushing my ear, and he spoke so quiet I had to strain to hear--"fuck you till you can't walk, every night"--My eyes widened and my throat suddenly felt dry as he sat back down. "The whole package!" He exclaimed, causing my mom to giggle. I grit my teeth at his subtle innuendo and he sent me a wink. 

       "All at once or...?" I question cheekily and he narrowed his eyes. I let out a laugh and glanced to my mom, who was watching us with a smile, completely oblivious to what we were really saying. 

       "We called a cab to come pick all of us up an take us to the airport. It'll be here in a few minutes so make sure you're ready." She explained and I bit my lip.

       "Actually mom, is it possible Troye  and I could call our own cab?" I wondered and she furrowed her eyebrows. "It's just...I kind of want to be alone a little before we leave..." I muttered and she nodded in understanding, and I pulled my hand out of Troye's.

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