Chapter 3

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Troye's POV: 

Dear Troye Mellet,

        Okay so I'd like to quickly argue with you on something. I am not in any means an asshole (well maybe like five percent but just don't focus on that), but the only reason my letter was so short last time because I honestly don't take this pen pal thing really seriously. You seem cool enough though. I guess I have some questions to answer? 

        I'm nineteen, just started kindergarten a little late I guess you could say. Surprisingly enough, I do the same things as you. No I don't sing, believe me, I am a horrific singer! But social media is the only way I know how to live. Maybe we could exchange URL's??? What else...looks? I told you! Blue hair, blue-green eyes, I think I'm a little...pudgier than I need to be...and a quiff styled into perfection! I'm a queen, I can't go looking around like a peasant! Opinions on Nutella? It's alright, nothing wrong with it, but if I had to choose one thing to have the rest of my life, it'd be Hummus. 

        Also, I don't own a Youtube, but I love recording videos whenever I'm walking around or whatever. 

        Sorry this letter's short, I really am not a talented writer.

        There are some things I'm curious to learn though.

        1: Siblings?

        2: Relationship status?

        3: Best friend's name?

        4: How strong is your Australian accent?

        Okay yeah. Oh and just thought I should ask if you know a girl named Zoe in your class? My friend, Alfie, is her pen pal and he may have a tiny crush on her. Just thought I should mention that....

--Tyler Oakley (P.S. I think blue eyes are cool)

       I chuckled when I reached the end of Tyler's letter. We shockingly had a lot in common, which I thought was good for the essay. He'd be a more interesting guy I could talk to. We were both insecure, both love social media, and from what I have heard, are both complete dorks. I set the paper in my binder and then closed it into my backpack. I turned a little and glanced to the other end of the classroom where my petite friend, Zoe, sat. She was staring intently down at her paper, as though there were no other cares in the world. Her eyes were squinted slightly and she was biting her lip, suppressing a smile and, from what I could tell, a giggle. She flipped her letter back to the front side and began to reread the letter. 

        I glanced towards the front of the class then, at Mrs. Penrod, who sat with her eyes focused on her computer screen. I slumped a little further down in my seat, just to discreetly grab my backpack and pull out my iPhone. I scrolled through my random contacts until I reached Zoella's number. That's the one thing I hated about phones, I had contacts in my phone who I forgot I even went to school with. I instantly sent my text.

        Me: Texting Allllllfffiiiieeee?

        Zoe's head perked up, her gaze finally breaking away from the withering paper in her hands. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and set it down in her lap, quickly typing in the passcode and furrowing her eyebrows at my text.

        ZoeSugget: How do you know about him?!

        I silently laughed at her incredulousness.

        Me: My penpal was telling me about him. Apparently Alfie talks about you a little...;)

        A warm blush filled her cheeks.

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