Chapter 40

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Troye's POV:

I didn't reply to my mom's text until two days after she texted me, but even because I was angry at her, I just didn't know what to say. I still vividly remember her trying to protect me from Steele, and calling me her son...something she hasn't done in a while. But still, I didn't want to talk to her. She couldn't just step in and out of mom mode whenever she wanted, that wasn't fair to me.

Mom: Troye...can we go out and talk somewhere? Please?

Me: I appreciate the effort but I really don't feel like talking to you right now.

I know it might have been a bit of a harsh thing to say, but I was being honest. After what I've been going through lately, I didn't want to add another bad day onto my list. A second after I sent the text, my phone buzzed.

Dad: Troye Sivan Mellet you are either going to go have coffee with your mom or you're going to come home and talk to me. Decide.

I've never seen my dad get like this, he was always so cheery. I knew I had no choice though, so I instantly decided.

Me: Is mom home...?

Dad: No

Me: I'll be there in ten minutes.

After sighing and rolling my eyes, I stood up and grabbed the small bag of stuff I had, heading towards the front door. I wasn't sure what we were going to talk about, and I wasn't sure how long I was going to stay, so I might as well bring everything.

"Are you leaving?" I heard a voice call out, and turned to find Dan staring at me.

"Uh yeah, I need to talk to my dad." I explained and he nodded, but it seemed like he wanted to say something else.

"Will coming back?" He wondered, sounding almost uncomfortable with the question. I chuckled and shook my head, looking to the floor.

"If I don't go back home I'll probably find somewhere else to stay. I don't want to overstay my welcome." I replied and he nodded again, flashing me the smallest of smiles before turning on his feet and walking back into the room he came from. I stepped outside into the slightly warm evening air and took a deep breath. Who knew what was ahead of me? I started my short walk home, taking in my surroundings and breathing in the fresh air of the end of January. This month had both felt long and short at once. Maybe it seems like that days passed by fast but the actual events in them went on forever.

I tightened the strap on my shoulder and turned the corner into my neighborhood. Tree's lined the street, leaves starting to grow back after the winter season, and I walked beside them and up to my house. I paused before walking in though. This wasn't really my home anymore, just a place full of my little memories, my written songs, my safest sounds. I walked up the three little steps and decided to be safe, knocking on the door instead of walking straight inside. I bit my lip and it felt like time slowed down, which only made me more anxious.

Finally, I heard some thudding inside and then the doorknob turned, revealing my dad. His mouth was set in a grim, straight line as he gestured for me to walk inside. It was abnormally quiet in my usually loud and hectic house.

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