Chapter 33

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A-N: Hey uh I have an awkward question at the end of this chapter that I'd really like you to answer haha it's important for this story

Also, WARNING, there will be a BRIEF homophobic slur in this chapter

Troye's POV:

Cafeteria's are hell. That's all I have to say on that matter.

People bustled around every single table, avoiding yours if they weren't a part of your group, food spilling, students shouting, weird smells, ripped up papers, and a lot of sweat. I was currently sitting at one of the white and stained tables bye the windows, completely alone. Zoella was a member of the school council and so she was in the office planning Semester 2 events with the other members. I considered sitting with the other girls, but they were hanging out with even more girls and I thought that was a little overwhelming and stereotypical if I do say myself. I raked my eyes over the cafeteria when I was walked in, just casually glancing for Connor, but I found him nowhere.

It was about twenty minutes into the lunch period and I felt so alone I actually started thinking that I should maybe try to sit with Dan and Phil's group. I was still thinking about it and staring over at there table when Phil suddenly looked up and made eye contact with me. He gave me a soft but bright smile and when I didn't look away, he gestured for me to come over. He did such a small gesture though that no one at the table noticed, not even Dan who was almost always staring at him.

I gulped and took a deep breath. I shouldn't be making such a big deal about this, I didn't even have a huge reputation to ruin anyways, but still. For some reason then, my mom popped into my head and I thought about how she judged me and I decided to just fuck with anything I thought about before.

I stood up, leaving my now empty tray on the table, and stalked over to the other table only a few feet away.

"Hello there!!!" Phil greeted, waving his hand eagerly and finally everyone looked up at me.

"Uh hi..." I replied being the awkward person I am.

"You're Troye, right?" He wondered, still beaming up at me. This guy is like a fucking my little pony, he's so happy.

"Yeah." I stated and he grinned even more, if that was possible.

"Would you like to sit with us? You looked a little lonely over there." He admitted and I sighed, but I was a bit ashamed to admit to myself that it was in relief.

"Yes please..." I muttered and he chuckled as I sat down across from him.

"I'm Phil, if you didn't know, and this is my boyfriend Dan!" He exclaimed, and Dan wrapped an arm around his shoulders. I envied their closeness.

"Yeah I know you guys. You're really good together." I wanted to slap myself. Is that something normal people said? I didn't know. Phil smiled some more and Dan looked at his lap, but I could tell even he was trying to stifle a grin.

"We don't get that a lot." Dan mumbled, but he didn't really sound sad, just somber. I was about to say something back when out of nowhere, a high pitched squealing interrupted me.

"DANDANDAN!!!" Louise yelled as she ran up and through her arms around him. He raised both of his arms in caution and shut his eyes.

"Get your arms the fuck off me." He growled and Phil gasped.

"Dan! Language!" He scolded and my eyes were flicking between all of them in shock since everything had happened so quickly. "Louise, this is"-

"Troye!" Louise exclaimed. "What're you doing here?" She asked with a grin. "I thought you'd be off making sweet love with your boyfriend or something!" I blushed profusely at her words and averted my eyes, my stomach dropping a little. A million different feelings were racing through me. I was embarrassed by her sexual comment, sad about her mentioning Connor, and kind of irritated that she outed our relationship to the table. Sure, Connor and I weren't subtle about it, but it's not like we wanted the whole school knowing! Especially if there might not be a relationship to talk about soon.

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