Chapter 28

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(do you get annoyed by how many Troye povs there are?) 

Troye's POV: ~~December 30th~~

        "Slay 'em girls! You look gorgeous!" Tyler exclaimed with a grin. We were currently sitting in Alfie's house, on the couch, while the girls and guys posed for pictures in their fancy outfits. It was the night of Winter Formal and while everyone else was getting ready, Tyler and I were just sitting in casual clothing, eating snacks. Well, as casual as you could get before the level of fancy. I was wearing a white button down and black jeans while Tyler was wearing black pants and a navy blue button down. His arm was thrown across my shoulders and the sides of our bodies were aligned. The small space between us was causing me heart to quicken at random times. Ever since the other day with the girls...I shook my head to clear my thoughts. 

        "You really do look pretty." I added on. Tyler squeezed my shoulder and chuckled. "What?" I whispered and he laughed.        

        "You look pretty too." He said, voice dripping with mockery. I rolled my eyes but a small smile adorned my face.

        "You are so lame." I muttered and he scoffed, throwing a hand over his heart.        

        "Well I definitely wasn't lame before I met you." He retorted and I grinned some more.

        "It's an honor to know I managed to make a Queen, such as yourself, be brought down to average levels of lameness." I giggled and he narrowed his eyes at me, but they still held a light in them.

        "Oh yeah, and what are average levels of lameness?" He wondered and I shrugged.

        "Staying home with me instead of going to school dances, spending winter break on Tumblr instead of out partying, and especially..." I leaned over to whisper near his ear. "Hanging out with your penpal instead of any other hot guys from your school." I teased, honestly surprising myself a little bit. He gulped but then blinked, as though clearing his thoughts. 

        "I invited you because you don't celebrate Christmas!" He argued and I laughed. "Oh fine you fucking Jewish Prince." He mumbled and I raised my eyebrows.

        "Is that my new name now? You're the Queen and I'm the Jewish Prince?" I mentioned and he bit his lip.

        "Don't be too flattered. The Prince needs to marry a GIRL to become King." He replied sassily.

        "I don't mind, I think I'd rather marry someone like you any day." I muttered and his eyes widened. I played back my words and realized what I had really said. "I-I mean like a b-boy." I stammered, blushing profusely and he nodded quickly.

        "Yeah, yeah." He replied, and we both sat straighter, turning to face the people taking pictures again.

        "Oh wait! We forgot!" Grace called out, and started whispering to all the girls. They all ran back into the kitchen and started raiding the fridge. What? Did they forget dinner?

        "Boys, we still have the boutonniere's and the corsage's!" Colleen squealed and handed the boys the flowers. Each couple had the same type of flower, intricately woven with lace and other things like baby's breath. It was honestly a really beautiful moment with all of them, but then I realized they were all staring at us patiently.

        "What?" I questioned and they all exchanged looks before Hannah spoke up.

        "Um, we know you two aren't coming to the dance but aren't you going to exchange boutonniere's?" She wondered and my jaw dropped.

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