Chapter 44

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A-N: I was gonna give you guys like 2-3 chapters rn but this is a long chapter so hey good enough??? PLUS THERES A BUNCH OF TROYLER IN THIS CHAPTER LIKE HOLY IEEGPIHEGHIEPGHPQRFJQ O:CEFG!O ERS

Tyler's POV: ~~March 2nd~~

"Tilly..." I heard someone cooing from next to me.

"No..." I grumbled, still half asleep.

"Come on Tyler, we have to get up. I explained this to you." He whispered and I pouted. I buried my face further in the pillow, of course after realizing Troye was sitting up so I couldn't use him as my pillow anymore. I knew I was being stubborn though, because he did explain this to me sometime back in February. He had one day of school before we left for the trip. It was a Wednesday and technically his last day of school was on a Friday, but today was our last day in Australia. He managed to get me a visitor pass for his school, insisting they were just going to watch movies all day and play games, and I could meet hid friends. Suddenly, I heard him sigh and I felt the bed shift. "Nevermind, Ty." He stated and I felt his weight leave the bed. My thoughts seemed to clear out a little and I finally processed what he said. I shot up from where I was laying and looked around the room. Where the hell could Troye have gone?

Then, the bathroom door swung open (the door going into the bathroom), and Troye stepped out, leaning on the frame. My throat went dry and my breath hitched once I saw he was only wearing a towel around his waist, and water drops were already rolling down his body. He smirked and nudged his head to the door that led out to the hallway.

"You can shower downstairs." He informed, his smirk only growing as his eyes flicked over my face. Holy fuck. What was this guy trying to do to me? I stood up slowly and walked straight up to him. He raised his eyebrows, but otherwise managed to keep a straight face. I swallowed hard and pressed my pointer finger on his chest.

"First off, I hate you." I stated firmly. "Secondly, I hate you." I repeated, and then walked around him to grab a towel from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes when I heard him break out into laughter behind me.

"Sure you hate me, that's why you couldn't take your eyes off me." I turned back around, ready to glare at him but froze instead when I realized he was biting his lip. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What happened to you within these past few months?" I wondered, but kept my tone light so he knew it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I wasn't sure if he was just playing with my feelings or something, but at least he was being always, but still. He shrugged and out of nowhere looked a little bashful. He was smiling slightly, without any teeth, and hung his head a little.

"Do you dislike it?" He asked abashedly. I gazed at him for a few more seconds before slowly shaking my head.

"I can't say I do." I muttered and he began to blush.

"Cool." He replied and I had to stop myself from laughing a little. "Go take a shower you dork." He mumbled while chuckling and I grinned, hurrying out the door and down the stairs.

I flipped the knob on the shower, wondering for half a second if it should be cooled down a bit before deciding I was fine. While washing the shampoo from my hair, I couldn't help but let my thoughts trail back to Troye and how different he was asking.

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