Chapter 75

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Ps. Go read my one shot collection plzzzzzz

Troye's POV: Filler      

       Tyler Oakley. Damn.

       Honestly, nothing compared to being wrapped in his arms. It seemed like the most simple gesture on Earth, but with him it was different. It wasn't just any embrace, it was all the unspoken words of love being shared between us. It was his protection over me. It was safety. It was home.

       Tyler's the only person I could have ever imagine going as far as we did with. I pressed another kiss to the side of his temple and he hummed. God I am so fucking in love with him. I slowly shifted up, removing my arm out from under him. He grunted in his sleep and plopped down on the pillow, thankfully not waking up. I slipped out of the room and into the kitchen, quickly pulling out a few ingredients and other stuff to work with.

       After the mixture was finished, I poured it into the waffle heater, being sure to follow through with the instructions. Once it was done, I placed it on a plate and then continued to neatly put it on the brown tray we had for some reason. I pulled more sweets out of the cupboards and smirked as I placed a chocolate chip in every single one of the little squares, accompanied by syrup. I grinned in accomplishment and lastly made a cup of coffee, putting it on the corner of the tray. With one quick thought as I passed by the dining table, I took a flower from the vase and set it between my teeth.

       I backed into the bedroom and plastered a smile onto my face and at the top of my lungs began to blurt out lyrics to a song.

       "'Cause I love the way you wake me up, for goodness sake will my love not be enough!" I began to mumble the rest of the lyrics as I toppled into bed next to him, placing the tray on his lap while he blinked sleepily, sitting up. I then moved closer to him so my nose was nudging his ear. "Tell me how to fall in love the way you want me to." I whisper-sang to him and he smiled, closing his eyes while he leaned the side of his head against my forehead. "Good morning sugartits." I muttered and he giggled, swatting me away a little.

      "Good morning babe. What's all of this?" He wondered and I shrugged, blushing slightly.

      "I just wanted to show you how much I appreciated you." I replied and he bit his lip.

       "Do I get this every time we have sex?" He asked quietly and I rolled my eyes. "In that case, can we go again tonight?" I snickered and moved closer to him, wrapping my arm around his waist as he looked down to the food in front of him.

       "Maybe yeah. Aren't you sore though?" I reminded and he shifted slightly, groaning the tiniest bit.

       "A little bit. But I'll feel better tonight." He murmured, kissing my cheek and I rolled my eyes again.

       "Drink some of your coffee I think you're a bit thirsty." I responded, shoving the mug under his nose. He giggled but took a sip graciously, setting the cup bag down before tearing a corner off of his waffle. 

       "Holy shit I love you." He moaned and shut his eyes in content. "These waffles are heaven. Have some." He pushed the plate closer to me and I pursed my lips before going ahead and taking a bite. I shrugged and he threw his hand across his chest with daggers for eyes. "Excuse me?" He retorted and I had to stifle a grin.

       "I've told you, I'm more of a pancake person." I reminded but his expression didn't calm down.

       "Fuck you." He hissed and I smirked.

       "I mean if you want to try topping tonight you can"--He slapped my arm, cutting me off mid sentence and I threw my head back in laughter.

       "You bitch." He went back to eating his waffle before deciding to add onto his statement. "Besides, I like seeing you get into control..." He mumbled abashedly, stuffing waffle into his mouth so I couldn't force him to speak more. 

       "Really?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He nodded, refusing to look at me.

       "It's hot, which is totally contradicting to how beautiful and angelic you are." He mentioned and I also looked down to the tray. This little idiot had no idea what he could do to me. 


       Once he finished eating we placed the tray onto the bedside table and lowered ourselves so my head was on his chest and he was playing with my hair. I hummed to the tune of different love songs and I already knew his eyes were closed. I placed a kiss on his collarbone, and then another one onto his neck, continuing to scatter light kisses all over the skin that was peaking out from his shirt. 

       "I love you so much Tyler." I whispered and he nodded.

       "I love you too." He replied as I kissed multiple times on his cheek. "I have for so long and I'll never regret starting to love you when I did." I shut my eyes tight at his words as I continued pressing kisses to him. "I imagine marrying you one day Troye," I hummed with another kiss, "I imagine growing a family with you," I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, "and most of all, I imagine growing old with you. Loving you forever. I know that will never change." I nodded and pressed a firmer kiss to his neck.

       "It's impossible that my love for you will ever stop being the beautiful feeling that takes over my mind, my lungs, and words." I whispered back. "I know that."

A-N: This was a fluffy cheeseball so please comment. I haven't been updating often cuz I'm on vacation and school's starting soon but I will update as much as possible. REaAD BLWOE

Please for the love of troyler babies read Skipping Heartbeats by MariahLino because it's incredible and deserves thousands of more reads.

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