Chapter 13

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A-N: 1k reads!!! Thank you!!!

Troye's POV:

                "Okay..." I muttered as the line fell silent. What the actual fuck just happened?

        I had woken up to my phone instantly ringing, a few hours earlier than I would have preferred. I mean, hell, it's a Saturday. I wasn't supposed to even open my eyes until noon! I wasn't exactly disappointed though when I noticed it was Tyler who was calling me, just upset when I found out it was all because of his friends again. They were acting so suspicious...I feel like they know something I don't. Then again, they probably know a million things about Tyler that I don't. We're just pen pals anyways. 

        Unable to fall back asleep due to actually talking and moving while being awake, I just slipped my feet off the bed and stumbled down the stairs.

        "Troye!" My mom, Laurelle, yelled in shock. "What are you doing down here so early?" She wondered, gaping at me as though it was completely impossible for me to wake up at 7. Damn it Tyler.

        "My friend called me. Dad at work?" I asked and she nodded her head as I sat down at the dining table. We had one of those living rooms connected to the kitchen, so the dining table just sat in the corner. My mom walked back over to the stove as she continued on baking what I assumed were pancakes.

        "He's going to have a short day though since he has to pick Steele up later from the airport." She informed and my lips parted in a bit of surprise.

        "H-He's coming in today?" I questioned and she gave me a soft but excited smile.

        "Yep! He found an earlier flight and managed to transfer his ticket." She continued and I shook my head slightly while she just flipped another golden pancake.

        "I'm going to Zoella's this afternoon and sleeping over, I told you that." I reminded and she turned to gaze at me in disbelief.

        "You are NOT sleeping over at a girl's house!" She scolded and I rolled my eyes. I talked to my dad about this just the other day and he said he would tell mom.

        "Moooommmm..." I groaned and put my head in my hands, propping myself up with my elbows. "I asked dad already and he said you're fine with it. Zoe and I are just friends, she has a boyfriend named Alfie anyways!" I raised my head and stared at her wide eyed, hoping she'd believe my lie. Of course we're just friends, but my mom didn't have to know that Alfie was JUST her crush.

        "It doesn't matter! Teenage boys should not be allowed to sleep at teenage girls' houses!" She rambled and I sighed a little while picking at fuzz on my jumper.

        " don't...please let me go? We're just going to hang out! She's the only real friend I'm close to besides Connor!" I pleaded and pouted, trying to convince her with a sob story. That last part was true (besides Tyler, but it's not like I was going to be able to sleep over with him any time soon). I knew this statement would hit my mom hard, she's always been worried for me. Before Connor, I wasn't very close with anyone, and she was always afraid I'd get used to being alone. I mean...I've had plenty of friends before! I used to be friends with Caspar and Louis, but I wasn't close with any of them. She sighed and slouched a little in defeat.

        "Fine. But you better text me updates throughout the night! I don't want any sex happening, protected or not!" I groaned even louder at her reply. This would be so much easier if she just knew I was gay. I couldn't tell her that, though. I've never really talked to my mom about homosexuality, but from the few snippets I've heard her say before, she wasn't very supportive. She didn't like the idea of two males or two women kissing, nonetheless even cuddling. She usually never said anything out loud, but if it was shown on TV she would grimace or something. My dad usually stayed silent about it; he would just shake his head and carry on. Steele, from what I knew, was very against it. He never had a queer friend, and the one time he met a gay boy in school, he gave some disgusting comment at the boy and ran away. I'm not really sure why...he just lived in a different world than us. 

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