Chapter 49

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Dedication and Motivation lol: @happylittlejess @MeElisee_ @TroylerIsUs @jess_is_cool_lol @godaxo @MoiLouisee_@sureader97 @123gabb

A-N: Ready?

Troye's POV:

I softly twirled strands of Tyler's hair between my fingers, nuzzling my head closer to his. It was morning time, about the fourth day in Brighton, but I couldn't seem to get myself to move. Tyler was exhausted when he came back to the hotel last night, so when the others all went to bed, I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Instead I just pulled him closer to me and fall asleep too. I spent the last few minutes awake, just playing with Tyler's hair, appreciating how close he was, and honestly just admiring him.

The light was filtering through the window, shining a bright white-like outline on Tyler. It emphasized each strand of his hair beautifully. His chest rose and fell slowly, and occasionally he'd tighten his grip on my arm. I felt my heart pounding heavily as I stared at the beautiful boy in front of me and I thought I wouldn't mind waking up like this everyday. I wouldn't mind being able to wake him up with a kiss one day, I wouldn't mind falling asleep like this every night. I wouldn't mind any of that. I wouldn't mind falling in love with him.

I mean...I sort of already considered myself there, in love but...not entirely. I definitely had strong feelings for him, but love seemed like such a relationship thing, and I knew if I wanted to really love him the way he loves me, I'd have to do this a step at a time. Still, my heart couldn't help but feel the way it did. I bit my lip as my eyes raked over the back of his head again. I then glanced at the clock under the TV and sighed, realizing I should probably get him up if we wanted to have time to get ready and go out tonight.

When he asked me, I instantly jumped to the conclusion he was asking me on a date. I knew for sure he wouldn't mind if it was one, but I wasn't sure how to initiate it as one. I tried telling him I didn't care if it was one or not-but I don't think he got the message. What if tonight he literally just thought we were going out to get some time together as friends so everything was perfectly normal? Admittedly, I wanted that awkwardness and that nervousness. I wanted to compliment each other's outfits, to awkwardly try to initiate as much physical contact as possible, to blush whenever we made eye contact.

But how do I just casually let him know that? Maybe there was no way to make it casual, and maybe I had to just be okay with that.

Damn it Troye, one step at a time.

I leaned up the tiniest bit and and put my lips by his ear. It was around 11 already. Alfie and Zoe went out to brunch again while Dan and Phil decided to just travel around Brighton some more, which took forever for them to decide.

"Tilly come on now..." I whispered and he shifted a little.

"...what...?" He mumbled and I grinned. I absolutely loved waking him up. It was just a little different every morning. He'd wake up, mumble something, be annoyingly resistant, and then finally do something cute, which was what made it different.

"We should get up love." I muttered and he turned around so we were facing each other. He gave me a soft smile and I smiled back, more than overjoyed at the close proximity. I wrapped my arm around him again and he sighed, closing his eyes again. "Don't fall asleep on me, Ty." I warned and he chuckled.

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