I had a bad day (🛌)

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It's starting to feel like i cant do anything right. All my plants are growing fine but I'm loosing motivation to keep watering them. The sprinklers help and all but still...I'm not sure what's even wrong. I go to all the festivals, i work hard on my farm, i fixed the town and the mines and even ginger island. Ive helped everyone in town but...i guess it feels like they just use me. Maybe I'm just over thinking it, i mean my birthday is this week so I'm probably just upset I'm still not on the calendar even after living her for 5 years. It's getting late i should go eat or something, maybe ill treat myself and go to the saloon this time.

The street lights are all on, it feels like no one lives here once it hits 8pm. The only noise is coming from the saloon, i forgot it's Friday. I'm not in the mood to see the whole town but it might help, i dont want to lock myself away so this should work.

Seb:Sam i told you, you suck I didn't cheat. It's been like what 10 years? Get over it or get better
Abby:dont be so mean!
Sam:ughhh you could let me win just once you know!
Seb:then you wouldn't get better.
Abby:oh hey y/n!
Y/N: hey guys! You heading home?
Seb:not yet, just wanted a smoke break
Abby:but since youre here you can keep seb company and sam and i can play some pool!

They went inside and i stayed with seb while he smoked. The thought of the cigarette passed my mind, i did want one but i knew it wouldn't help. It would just make me feel worse in the future. Seb was starring at me with a curious look.

Seb:did you need one?
Y/n:nah, it wont help
Seb:what's wrong?
Y/n:...everything? Nothing? I dont even know...I'm just..i dont feel right.
Seb:i get it. Especially after all you've done for this town and the people it makes sense that you feel sad now.
Seb:y/n, ever since day 1 you have taken all the old orders off that bulletin and helped us with things we wanted and needed. You fixed our community center and got us back the old movie theater, then when Willy wanted to go back to ginger island you helped him fix his boat. And not to mention the fact you paid for Pam to get a house! You fixed our bus and got her job back, you fixed that bridge to the quarry, you even helped with that ugly boulder that blocked the water and the mines. You've been here for 5 years and you did more for us than our mayor of 20 years.
Y/n:thanks seb, i guess i really just needed to feel...appreciated?
Seb:do you feel better?
Y/N:a little.

We walked back in. I did feel a little better knowing that I wasn't being a brat for lack of a better word. But i still felt...empty i guess. Like i never completed something i wanted to. I sat with the trio, i tried to smile but i kept disassociating. Soon enough shane and Emily came and took me away.

Emily:hey, are you ok?
Shane:you look like you just got your heart torn out.
Y/N:yeah no I'm fine. I just stopped paying attention. Ive been in my head all week, sorry
Emily:here, on the house.
Gus:yeah i dont want you feeling upset, y/n i mean you've helped me so much its the least i can do.

That made me smile. Gus is always such a nice guy, after he set down a steak dinner and a beer shane ordered the same thing and we talked about chickens for a while. Until Pam joined us along with her daughter which was a strange sight.

Pam:Shes making sure i dont drink tonight
Shane:hey guys, y/ns not feeling too good so I'm trying to cheer them up.
Penny:what's wrong y/n?
Y/N:nothing! I swear I'm just really deep in my own head
Pam:well if it helps penny and i are grateful you moved here. If it..it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I'm at.
Penny:shes right. You changed our lives completely
Shane:see. It's not only us who are happy you moved here
Lewis:wait are you regretting moving here?

The whole saloon went quiet with the mayors words. Everyone surrounded me looking apologetic. And one by one they went on.

Clint:if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have had the guts to ask Emily on a date!
Emily:yeah! Wait that was a date?
Hayley:yeah and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten those amazing photos!
Marnie:I wouldn't have been able to...well honestly profit off your new farm but you also helped me with stuff around the farm and the bulletin
Demetrius:yes, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten all the specimens or the information i needed.
Maru:and you helped me want to make that sentient robot!
Seb:plus you helped me sam and abby in more ways than 1
Gunther:you fixed our museum
Willy:and my boat
Leo:and my life in general
Robin:you helped me understand Linuss lifestyle and found my axe too
Caroline: you helped me and my daughter get closer
Jodi:you helped me and kent
Lewis:you've helped our town so much, if you were unhappy and we didn't do something that would just make us terrible people.
Shane:we all love you y/n, youre a great part of this community.

Later that week i checked the calendar to see who's birthday i needed to plan for and there it was, my name and picture on my birthday. They ended up throwing a party in the square with gus cooking a huge buffet for everyone. It was the best birthday yet.

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