toothace (emily ☁️)

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"Emmmmmmmm help!"
"Baby you shouldn't talk, you just had your wisdom teeth pulled"
"It hurts emmy"
"Aw you haven't called me emmy in years"
"...come here"

Y/n holds their wife close as they sloppy try to dance while still fairly high on the meds the dentist gave them. Emily laughed at their s/o and hugged them tightly giving little kisses on their arm when they could.

"OK ok thats enough, sweetheart. Come on lets get you ready for bed"
"But it's 6pm and the sun is soooooooo bright"
"Yeah and you are soooooo tired aren't you?"
"...ya...oh and I got that stuff you asked for its in the chest by the door. I love you so very much"

Yn proceeds to try to kiss and hug their wife only for them to fall into bed instead. Emily giggled and kissed their head and went to the chest where all the things she asked for laid. She spent the night finishing the clothes she was making special for her s/o. At the bottom of the chest was a note, from y/n to Emily.

"You make me the happiest person in the world. Im so glad I get to spend my days with you."

She blushed at the words from her 6 year long relationship, the fact that she still felt this way made it all the more better. In the morning yn was still in pain so Emily took care of them and when they finally started feeling better she gave them the gift. Every holiday no matter the weather yn would wear the special outfit made for them. It made Emily fall even deeper in love.

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