Late night wishes (sam🍋)

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I'm too tired to move. It's been such a long day today, but i had finally gotten a cactus fruit for sam. Tomorrow is his birthday and i needed to make sure i got his favorite thing. But for now I'm going to rest.

*Phone dings*

It's 10pm. Who the fuck is this?

Sam: hey can you come over for a little?
Y/n:yeah sure, do i need to bring anything?
Sam:just you ;)

He sent a winky face...and my face got all red. I felt like an idiot for being so red in the face, sam and i knew we both like each other but we weren't actually dating. It was more of a weird in between kinda waiting for the other to ask. I got up and headed down there, I wasn't sure what he actually meant since every time he flirted over text he got really shy in person. I got to the door and heard his window open.

Sam:hey everyone's asleep come through here
Y/N:..sam no
Sam:y/n yes
Y/N:fuck you

I crawled through the window begrudgingly. He caught me on my way down, he held my hands and then grabbed my hips as my legs got through. We both were blushing. He let go of me and we sat on his bed.

Sam:I'm sorry
Y/N:for what?
Sam:...i um asking you to come here so late then making you come through the window.
Y/N:just make it up to me.

He looked at me and grabbed the back of my neck softly, he pulled me in for a kiss. My heart fluttered. I pushed into the kiss hard, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and i let him have it. Suddenly we were both standing up, my hand was under his shirt feeling his abs and chest. His hands were fighting with the button on my pants. Then he pushed me up against the wall and we both stopped kissing. We looked at each other worried. He pushed me kinda hard onto the wall and it made a loud noise. I heard his moms door open and shut he looked at me and rushed me under the covers. Only his lamp light was on so as long as Jodi didn't get too close she wouldn't be able to see me.

Jodi:sam I'm coming in!
Sam:hey..hey mom
Jodi:i heard a loud noise
Sam:sorry i was um
Jodi:why are you out of breath and sweaty...and shirtless
Sam:i was doing pushups! Um sorry, I accidentally fell when i got up.
Jodi:...ok, try to sleep sam.
Sam:night mom

I popped my head from under then covers and sam locked his door. He came back to the bed and smiled at me.

Sam:you really are excited aren't you?

I had taken my pants off once i heard jodi leave and same had put his hands on my thighs, I didn't speak but instead smiled and blushed.

Sam:so is this gonna be my early birthday gift?
Y/N:no its is gonna be something better.

He wrapped his hands around my ass and started kissing me again, i started playing with his pants. Soon enough he was on top of me biting on my neck and leaving marks where everyone could see. He whispered into my ear,

Sam:this way the whole town will know you belong to me
Y/N:well if that's the case.

I flipped him over and did the same thing. I left even bigger marks just out of spite. He started to almost moan as i found his sweet spot. It was so cute, seeing his face filled with pleasure after i bit him. Now i wanted to see it after i sucked him off. I kissed down his chest and bit his hips a little leaving smaller hickeys down there just for him. He smiled at me getting lower, i pulled his member out and stared at it in shock. The pictures sam sent me do not do it justice. I tried to take the whole thing and chocked he held my head and laughed at him a little.

Y/N:its not my fault!
Sam:shhhh haha i know, here let me help

He said in a soft deep voice. He held the back of my neck and slowly nodded me up and down soon enough i took the whole thing in my mouth without chocking on him and he started to moan my name. I covered his mouth with my hand and i could feel his smile. He still moaned into my hand which just made me want him more, i took more and more of him into my mouth, i started to speed up wanting to swallow.

Sam:y...y/n slow...please i dont want to not...fuck not yet
Y/N:in my mouth. Please. It's all i want.

He smiled again and grabbed the back of my neck forcing me to keep back up the speed we were at. Soon enough he almost yelled my name as he came into my mouth. It was a lot and it was thick. I swallowed the whole thing and licked the remaining off of him. swallowed?
Y/N:well yeah, its a little weird if you left your room at 2am to shower
Sam:fuck come here.
Sam:your turn.

He flipped me over and fucked me until i started moaning his name, i could feel him in my stomach and it felt so good. He covered my mouth from moaning too loud and i sucked on his fingers keeping eye contact which made him get really close to my ear.

Sam:I'm gonna fuck you sore.

I moaned into his collar as he pumped harder into me. He got off the bed and pulled me with him, i got on my knees and sucked him off until he came in my mouth again. I didn't want to leave a mess on his birthday after all.

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