coming home (kent 🍋)

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*did I forget I exist? Yes. Yes I did. Here's some smut*

It was only 2 weeks but I'm finally coming back home to stardew after going back to zuzu to see my dad. I had called my closest friend, ironically it was Kent.

Kent:hey so you heading back then?
Yn:yep. Be back in maybe an hour or two.
Kent:that's I have something to tell you but I'd rather say it to your face. When you get back can I meet you at your place?
Yn:course, I hope it's nothing bad.
Kent:nah, see you soon.

I spent the rest of the bus ride reading the stardew news on my phone. It was like an online newspaper so it was nice to feel like I didn't miss much. There were pictures of Alex starting up the Sunday gridball at the saloon, sebs new frog sanctuary, abs starting her adventure guild training, etc. When I got back to my place Kent was petting my dog and I noticed he'd taken care of my animals like I asked.

Yn:thanks for doing my work, I really
Kent:Jodi and I got a divorce.
Kent:sorry...I've been waiting to tell you and the paper has been wanting to do the interviews so....ya
Yn:are...was it mutual?

My head was spinning. I actually had a chance with Kent now. I mean i liked him since he showed up at my door in spring on the second year I was here, but then he said he was Jodis husband and I don't know...I tried to ignore the feelings but they already bubbled up and kept going.

Kent:ya, apparently her and Gunther had a thing before I came back.
Yn:oh shit I'm sorry Kent. Here let's get inside.

I got changed and we sat on my couch with some background TV. Kent was reassuring me that he was fine and now living with gus until he could figure something else out.

Kent:I've uh I've been trying to find some land to maybe build a house...
Yn:why not just live on my farm?

the words came out before i even thought about it. of course i wanted him there but i didnt want it as friends or because he had no real other options.

kent:id help with the animals and everything. thank you so much yn.

i smiled at him and that night he got his stuff and moved in. abigail came over to do his interview for the website and they sat in the living room as i tried to ignore them in my room.

kent:we just...grew apart.

abigail:so is there anyone else for you or

kent:uh i...

i stopped scrolling on my phone and listened intently to him. but he didnt respond. it was quiet. abs said thank you loudly and left and kent came into my room after knocking on the wall since i dont have any doors.

yn:hey so how was it?

kent:fine. i mean it was weird but it was good.

yn:thats good. so wanna do anything tonight?

i sat up in my bed looking at the handsome stoic man. he seemed to be distracted so i stood up and asked if he was ok.

kent:huh oh yeah just thinking about what i wanna do tonight....

yn:so...what is it?

he walked up to me slowly and grabbed my waist, he pulled me into a soft kiss. i bit his lip wanting so much more and he pushed me down to the bed slowly taking my pants off. he kissed every inch of me and finally when he got to my (whatever fuckin part you have) he moaned into me taking me in. he looked up and smiled i looked down half out of breathe. assuming you wanna do the same thing?

i rolled my eyes and smiled as i grabbed his blonde hair and pulled him back into me. we switched positions and i teased him, licking just the tip and rubbing his cock as i smiled at him. he growled annoyed and grabbed me putting me on the bed with my ass facing him.

kent:wait let me get a

yn:dont. just do it. pls

he fucked me raw. cum covering both of us and the moans filling the entire farm house. when we finally finished i looked over at the man ive been in love with for so long and said, "yeah that was worth the wait."

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