a day at the beach (elliot ☁️)

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Its so hot today, it feels like the hottest day since I moved here 4 years ago. Leah came over this morning and told me her and Elliot are having a little beach day, im kinda hoping no one else heads to the beach but if they end up coming we can always go to the lesser appealing side. Its cool but hard to sit anywhere that isn't water or a dock. Its about 11am so if I head to Leah's cabin now we can walk over to elliots together.

*knocking on leahs cabin door 11:30*

Leah:oh hey y/n! I'm really sorry I'm actually not gonna go today. Someone asked for a commission so I'm working on that. But Elliot is still waiting for you if you wanna head over.
Y/n:oh...um ok. See you later and good luck!

Leah knows I have a crush on Elliot. She's the first person I became friends with and she introduced me to him. I thought they were dating for the longest time but she told me she never wanted to date him and gave me a long list of cons for her...but to me they were all pros. Except the hair thing, he dreams about it apparently which is strange but not like a thing I don't want to be with him because of.

I got to his door and as I was about to knock he opened the door. He was only wearing swimming trunks and his hair was in a low bun.

Elliot: why hello y/n! Its just us today, if that's ok with you
Y/n:i wouldn't be here if it wasn't
Elliot:excellent point as always. What do you say we go for a boat ride instead of a swim?
Y/n:that sounds nice, but it is still really hot
Elliot: its ok we can always swim after. I mean you are wearing a very attractive swim suit.

I blushed and he laughed. He brought the little boat by his house and we went out into the water. Weirdly it didn't feel as hot, until he grabbed my hand after he stopped rowing.

Elliot:y...y/n. With you around...it seems I can hardly find the correct words to speak aloud but...
Y/n:Elliot are you ok?

His face was red, I wasn't sure if it was the heat or something else.

Elliot:i...I like you, y/n. Maybe even love.
Elliot:I've never had these feelings before. I've tried writing about them before I met you but it always felt fake...now I can write it with ease. I see why authors would write so much about it too. It feels like the only emotion and experience worth having.
Elliot:you've become my muse, y/n. With you by my side I could write a million trillion books. And I want you by my side for more than that. I want you by my side because seeing you everyday brings me a kind of joy I cant compare except to the sunrise across the ocean horizon. When you say my name its like the beautiful hush the beach has at night. When you're around its like you bring all the valleys happiest moments along with you.

I stared at him blushing and in shock. He kept going about how much loves me and I just stared. I couldn't find words that weren't "you uh what love like wait" he was smiling at me once he finished finally. My heart was stopped and fluttering like crazy, my stomach felt sea sick, and my head was screaming at me to kiss him.

Elliot:..have I spoken too much?
Elliot:do you feel the same as I do?
Elliot:are you ok?

He brought us back to shore where I just sat on the sand letting the water hit me. Elliot soon sat in front of me letting the water hit him as well and putting his hair up for good measure.

Y/n:I love you, Elliot.
Elliot:...I love you y/n.

I pushed him and kissed him hard. He kissed me back gently and I could feel him starting to smile. We finally broke off from eachother and took a deep breathe.

Elliot:y/n im so glad you care for me the same...I've wanted to tell you for so long
Y/n:I wish you would have. But I'm still glad we are together now.

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