deep sleep 🍋

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A deep moan came from the farm house. Y/n was sleeping on the couch and Shane in her bed, he had a rough night and couldn't be left alone. Marnie was already asleep by the time she tried to get her attention so she decided to just let Shane stay over.

Shane:oh yoba fuck
Y/n:are you fuckin masterbating dude?

Yn barged in, but to her surprise Shane was just asleep. Not even touching himself, he just had a boner. The covers half of his body and showing exactly how hard Shane was.

Yn:fu..fuck no no, hes your best friend and it would so wrong to touch him while he's sleeping. Ill just...sleep. yeah.

Yn went back to the couch but the thought of shanes dick wouldnt leave. Soon yns dreams were filled with positions and scenarios. The moaning from both of them filled

Hey I'm so sorry an altar started this but i don't think they wanna finish it *update so that alter passed away and now I'm writing ig*

A rooster woke them up, yns hand down her pj's and Shane had came all over the blanket. As quick as he could he grabbed all the sheets to wash them but he was too late, yn was already in the room getting clothes for a shower.

Shane:um...thanks for uh letting me sleep over. how'd you sleep?
Shane:surprisingly good. Haven't slept like that in years.

Yn smiled to herself trying to ignore the cum on her sheets. The only thing she wanted to say in response was "it's a shame it went to waste on the sheets." But she had never flirted with Shane before, she liked him sure but he's not the kinda guy you can start flirting with easily. He continued to clean the blankets and yn hoped into the shower, Shane headed home to get a shower for himself but to his disappointment marnie was once again not home. It was 9am and a Tuesday, he sighed and headed back to the farm house hoping for more pitty from his friend.

Yn:Shane you can stay as long as you like. Here I'll wash your clothes while you shower.
Shane:I uh don't have anything else...
Yn:....i...I can leave for a while till their done and you're changed or...I mean if you don't care...i..I don't mind.
Shane:you don't naked?

He smiled a stupid smirky smile. Yn blushed and looked away as Shane started to take off his shirt and started the water in the shower. Yn was still semi wet from her shower.

Shane:well...if thats the case then I guess I'll shower...thanks c/n (cute nickname)

Yn blushed harder and ran to wash his clothes. They were in the dryer while she went to air dry her sheets since it was such a nice day. When she went back in for a drink she heard the moans again. She slowly headed to where they were and found Shane fake moaning in her room

Yn:why were you moaning?
Shane:wanted to see if you'd come in what now.

He grabbed yns face and kissed it soflty as he let his hands roam. He was uncomfortable being the only naked one so he started to take her shirt off and unbutton her pants. She moaned into the kiss and bit his lip gently wanting more. They ended up both naked on the bed. Yn on top and Shane smiling bellow her.

Shane:I like being your bottom.

She giggled to herself as she positioned herself to his dick. When he entered, they both moaned with deep pleasure filling the whole house with their voices. By the end Shane had cum on her face and she smiled and she went to go clean up.

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