stars in your eyes (maru ☁️)

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Maru and I have been looking at stars for the past 2 weeks now, she has a special station at my farm just so she can chart and make notes of special events. Tonight there will be a pink moon and she said there is also gonna be a bunch of shooting stars. I decided it was the perfect night to ask her to be mine so I headed to peires to get a bouquet. She called me a bit after for help bring back some stuff for tonight so when I got up there she had 2 wheelbarrows of stuff.

"Maru...this is alot." I looked at her confused. "Yeah well I'm hoping we can use it but if not it's best we have it." Robin rushed out and whispered to maru something before we headed down. We spent the evening setting up and at 9pm the moon was in full color. It was beautiful. But when I looked at maru who looked absolutely infatuated with it I couldn't help but stare, she looked more beautiful than any wonders of the world. She finally looked away to talk to me and I could see her eyes shining from the star light. "So hows your week been? I haven't talked to you that much this week" we sat down on the blanket and started to eat the dinner we made. "Good. Not really exciting, like you. Tell me about the robot you started making?" She smiled and went on about Matilda, I guess she sends transmissions on occasion about the journey.

"Maru...I have something for you." I went to the bush near by and grabbed the small basket that had iridium bars, batteries, strawberries, and the bouquet I bought her. I took a deep breathe and handed it to her. "I really hope you say yes." She looked at me with shock in her eyes and then her expression softened as she smiled at me. "Y/n...." her voice sounded like she wanted to break bad news to me. Then she got up and in one of the wheelbarrows she grabbed a bouquet as well. "I guess great minds think alike."

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