laundry day (🛏☁️) poly

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My dryer broke. Seb said hed come by to fix it for me but it'll take a while and I have no clean clothes. I decided since it was a fairly warm day to make a clothes line, which Shane helped me with. "Hey chicken. Ok grab the wire and ill put the poles in. How many do you need?" I smiled at him, he's so sweet everytime he comes to my farm. "Let's do two. Kinda long ones please." I grabbed the wire and seb came for the dryer. "Hey bug, ill be inside. It should be done by tonight if you wanna grab food after? Shane you wanna come too?" He yelled to the chicken man.

"Sure!" He chuckled back. I smiled at the two of them and headed to give the wire back to Shane, he grabbed my waist and kissed me on the cheek. "Do you mind if I bring em too?" I mocked him, "ooh things getting a little serious?" He blushed hard, "a little. But not as serious as you and me, chicken." I kissed him on the lips and we continued with the clothes lines. Soon Sam and Penny came up. "Hey whatcha doing?" Sam asked with his arm around Penny, I ran up and hugged both of them tight. They both hugged me back and Sam kissed my cheek and I kissed pennys.

"My dryer broke, sebs in the house. How are you Penny?" She blushed and replied, "better now that I get to see you." I laughed at her cornyness. She started helping me with the wet clothes as Shane said his goodbyes to me and went for his date with Emily. As we finished putting the clothes up Sam ended up staying with seb helping him Penny left to go on a date with maru, I asked her to give her a gift I had made her. It was a box of strawberries and iridium bars.

"You know your a really good partner. I mean you know everyone's favorite things and you always make time for everyone no matter what. Its weird how good you are at this." Sam said as I made them some drinks. "Yeah, well It really just takes alot of communication and being good at setting my boundaries. Just like you two, seb is seeing me you and abs and I think Elliot too, and you Sam youre seeing me, Penny, seb, abs, and alex but you two still make time for eachother and same for the whole town. Well...the younger people. I'm pretty sure Harvey is still against all this." Soon alex came in and kissed and hugged both me and Sam, he wanted to know if he could spend the night and I of course told him yes.

When the two boys finished fixing my dryer we all went to the saloon and met Shane there. Soon everyone was at the pool table and we were all playing a fun game.

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