Alex 💔

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You and alex have been dating for 2 years now. The whole town assumed you'd get married soon. On a rainy day you decided it was time, you bought a mermaids pendant and invited alex for a special date in 3 days. You got your farm decorated to ask him to be yours. Haley helped you get the place ready too. It was the night before everything, Haley gave you a hug and said goodbye and good luck. Tomorrow night you'd be engaged.


Alex's pov*

Haley said her and y/n were gonna hang out all day so I've been working out most of it. I decided to go hang out with my grandparents in the morning though. I haven't just sat with them in a long time.

George:hey alex, go get the mail

I saw a big letter package for me. I walked into the house holding it confused. I showed my grandparents and they shouted by accident. It was a college i have been applying to for years. I finally passed their entrance exam....I'd be leaving stardew in 2 weeks. I wanted to run to tell y/n but when i got to the farm Haley stopped me and forced me into the bus and we left to zuzu. I stupidly left my phone at home and she wouldn't let me use hers.

Haley:youre shopping with me lets go now.
Alex:wait no i have to talk to y/n!
Haley:nope. Tonight is your date just talk to them then. Come on i miss you please!

On the bus i told her what was happening. She looked conflicted but soon after she got excited. She bought me a bunch of new stuff for school even though she didnt have to.

*y/n pov*

It's 7pm. Alex will be here any minute. I can't believe I'm doing this...I've been in love with him for so long and when we started going out it was so awkward but funny. His grandparents would supervise us even though we are grown adults. He told me about how he decided to give up on being a pro and wanted to stay here with me...that was almost a week ago. That's why decided it was time to propose. I didnt want to hold him back but since he wants to stay now i want to be his....i want to have a family with him. It's almost 7:30....hes running late. Ill call him. *ring ring ring ring* no answer.

Alex:HEY! HEY UGH sorry! Haley forced me to go shopping and we got back a few minutes ago. I had to lug her stuff to her house. I'm so sorry...whoa the farm
Y/n:do you like it? Haley helped me.
Alex:she did? So she told you then?
Y/n:told me what?
Alex:...why did she help you do this?
Y/n:oh um...ok well..alex..

I got down on my knee and presented the mermaids pendant. He stared at me and the necklace with a blank face. My heart was racing then it felt like it stopped and broke into pieces. He wasn't responding. He wasn't even looking like he was excited. He looked like i just ruined his life. 

Alex:y/n i got into the college i wanted...its a great place to get scouted. I leave in 2 weeks.
Y/n:oh...congrats. You deserve it. I'm...I'm really happy and proud of you.
Alex:y/n I'm..i didnt think you'd..I'm sorry i
Y/n:no its fine. Um can you leave? I have to clean up
Alex:wait cant we talk about
Y/n:its over alex. I wanted to move to the next step and you want to move away. I dont...I'm not gonna hold you back.
Alex:y/n wait!

I went down toward the secrete forest. My heart felt like it was in my throat but also in pieces. I wanted to vomit it out and throw it down the small pond. Never to be seen again. I really am happy for him. This is his dream. But....i guess i just wished his dream was with me too. I sat against the statue and fell asleep crying. When i woke up shane was next to me and it was still night time.

Shane:i wanted to make sure you didnt become slime bait.
Shane:so...he broke up with you?
Y/N:i proposed. He said hes going to college. I told him I'm not holding him back.
Shane:...I'm sorry.
Y/n:its....its not your fault but thanks. Hearing it makes it ok.
Y/n:no. Not even a little. But your being a good friend and I'm not gonna be an ass.
Shane:haha thanks want me to take you home?
Y/n:nah. Can you let me be bait?
Shane:I'm taking you to my place then. At least you'll be warm.

As he said that i realized i was freezing. He kept his beers next to me and told me i was like a mini freezer. I plopped onto his bed and passed out, he joined me and kept me warm until morning.

Alex pov*

WHERE ARE THEY?! Ive looked everywhere and i called a million times. I waited at their porch hoping we could talk this out. I love them...i do. But i also love gridball and want to go. Ive been wanting this for years. i saw shane and he told me y/n is in his bed. He found them last night passed out and freezing.
Haley:calm down. They are fine....but alex....maybe its better that they broke it off. This has been your dream, if you were married then what? Y/n doesn't want to live in the city. This is better.
Alex:...but i...i dont want to loose them.
Alex:are they ok!?
Shane:you know they are. Look...this is hurting them just as much, you need to understand that. They aren't ok either. They wanted to marry you for yobas sake.
Haley:yeah its not like they dont love you. This is gonna hurt them for a long time.
Alex:...i know...
Haley:i thought you gave up on this school...why'd they send you a letter
Alex:when i gave up i sent in one last letter and did the test one more time...i didnt think it would be different.
Haley:alex...I'm proud of you. Ok?
Shane:maybe try to avoid them till you have to leave ok?


The two weeks passed. Shane stayed near you to make sure you were ok, he checked on you and you two bonded over the farm during the time. Alex packed and got ready to say his goodbyes. He sent you a letter telling you the day and time he was leaving for good. He said he'd be back for summers and that he was sorry. You cried for a few days after but on the day he left the whole town came to say goodbye. Including you. The crowd separated as he stopped talking and saw you holding hands with shane. The two of you weren't dating but it felt like you were, but it wasn't official. No one was shocked or annoyed. Alex understood what was happening. He walked toward you and you let go of shane. He held you tight and started crying, along with you. going to miss you.
Y/n:i...ill miss you too. But im so proud of you.
Alex:im sorry for what i did.
Y/n:you did nothing wrong. I get it. That is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Alex:but so are you.
Y/n:ill see you in the summer.
Alex *to shane*:take care of them...
Shane:dont worry. They're safe with me.
Alex:I'll always love you.
Y/n:goodbye alex. And good luck. 

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