broken ac (robin ☁️)

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It's the middle of summer and of course my ac exploded. Apparently you can't keep it on high cool all day everyday. I called Robin and she came over to help.

Yn:thanks so much
Robin:honestly I was begging to leave the house so I'm glad you called.
Yn:oh? Why?'s Demetrius. He's been on my nerves. I asked him if he'd go to sebs room and give him a snack for me and he acted like a angry little kid. When I went down later seb said Demetrius never even came down, I found out later he gave the snack to maru instead.
Yn:not surprising. Demetrius hates seb. I mean everyone knows that.

I told her about the way he raves about maru and doesn't even call seb his step son or anything. She looked heart broken like she never knew about any of it. We sat in my hot house sweating as she tried to think.

Yn:im sorry Robin, I really didn't think he lied about how he treats your son.
Robin:i...I...I have to go see Lewis. Thank you, yn. You're an amazing friend to me.

I softly smiled as she ran out leaving her tools behind. I decided to fix my ac with the help of YouTube and Robin's tools. The next day maru was at my door crying.

Yn:...hi can I help you?
Maru:my mom and dad got a divorce!

Maru and I were kinda close, I mean we were friends but I definitely didn't think of us as this close of friends. I brought her in and made some coffee and breakfast while she calmed down. Soon another knock at my door came and when I opened it it was seb.

Seb:hey can I come in?

Him and maru sat quietly and slowly started talking about it. They put their differences aside and hugged it out just wanting both their mom to be happy. After they left Robin came later that day. It's always so nice to see her and now that's she's single it's especially nice.

Robin:im so sorry I never fixed your ac, here I can
Yn:oh I did it. Thank you though. I get you were busy so I don't mind. I did use your tools though.

She smiled and told me that she was impressed with me. We walked around my farm doing my chores as she talked about wanting to move. I had spoken before I could stop myself and invited her and seb to live with me, and if maru wanted she could too.

Robin:I wouldn't want to impose!
Yn:Robin, I care alot about you and I don't want you leaving town because of Demetrius so if that means having you and your kids live with me I'm more than happy to do it. That night seb took the south room, maru the north, and Robin the old nursery. I took the room above the kitchen and all I could think was...she's right there. Not far....not with someone. And before I stood up I saw Robin's light turn on then quickly off. I heard footsteps and Robin was in my room.


I got up and kissed her hard. I wanted nothing more than to have her be 100%sure how I felt. A minute that felt like a second passed and we both separated. I looked down at her with her face in my hands and quietly said, "if you don't feel the same way I will pretend this was all a dream. If you do....I have a queen sized bed and there's definitely room for you."

I felt her move me back onto the bed and with that Robin and I spent the night and many more together.

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