harvey x elliot x femreader (request cause i fucked up the first on lol)

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Its 6am, Elliot was making breakfast for us and I turned to see Harvey staring at me in bed.

Harvey:oh! I'm sorry my dear you just look so...perfect.
Yn:..youre gonna give me cavities.
Harvey:no no thats no good, come lets brush our teeth.

I rolled my eyes and we got our of bed and did our morning routines. As we walked into the kitchen a shirtless Elliot greeted us putting food on the table.

Harvey:well someone looks like they've been exercising.
Elliot:yeah well you gotta look good if you wanna be a doctor and a farmers husband.

Elliot kissed my head softly and grabbed Harvey's hip to kiss his next. We both blushed and kissed elliots cheeks as we pulled away and sat down.

Elliot:I have wonderful news. My book will be published and next week I'll be going on tour for a bit.
Harvey:thats amazing! I'm so proud of you
Yn:wow Elliot thats great...I'll miss you so much though.
Elliot:oh dont worry, love ill write the two of you everyday while I'm gone.

We finished our breakfast and Harvey left to work, Elliot and I stayed home and cleaned up and farmed a bit.

Elliot:darling, I have a question.
Yn:anything for you, love.
Elliot:would you mind showing me just how much you're gonna miss me?

My face flushed, hes usually never this forward. I smiled at him and we went inside, as soon as we had finished Harvey had come home to us exhausted in bed half naked.

Harvey:...no more energy for me?

We both smiled and got up pulling him to the bed giving him all of our attention. In the morning Harvey closed the clinic for the day and we all spent the day together. We watched some TV and farmed a while, and read together as well. For the rest of the week we spent as much time as we could together.

Elliot got packed and ready to leave. He gave us both long kissed and said he'll write us and as he got on the bus we held hands feeling eachothers sadness.

Harvey:are you ok honey?
Yn:just...gonna miss him.
Harvey:I am too. But come now, he'll be home soon enough. Let's go eat dinner.

We went to the saloon and spent the night on the beach watching the waves. In the morning willy woke us up and we were embarrassed, but we headed home.

Harvey:yn...I love you so much
Yn:I love you too Harvey. Are you ok?
Harvey:yeah. I just...I miss Elliot, but having you here makes me happy so im ok.

He kissed me softly as he got ready for work. That day the first letter came and I waited for Harvey to get home. Everyday until Elliot came home we read the letters together and smiled at them. When he got back we tackled him and had him tell us everything he didnt write about.

Elliot: oh how I've missed the two of you.

He kissed us both and we all went to bed putting Elliot in the middle for once so we could both cuddle him.

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