just a wish (kent 🍋)

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As I finished up my daily chores and as I headed into town I saw Alex and Hayley making out near the saloon. Tomorrow is there 4 year anniversary, I looked around and saw more of the couples out on this spring Friday night. Emily and Shane were going back in from Emily's break, Penny and Maru were walking each other home, Elliot and Harvey were grabbing drinks, Seb and Sam were heading back home, Leah and Abby were flirting non stop, then...there's me. I never tried to get in a relationship with anyone in town, before anyone was official when I just moved here I felt like I didn't really fit in. Like if I ended up dating someone it would hurt the balance that was already set.

Kent:yn? Hey why are you drinking alone?
Yn:oh hi kent....don't know kinda just what happend...I wanted to ask, how'd you meet Jodi?
Kent:oh...uh we kinda just grew up together. I'll be honest getting married kinda felt like the only option. We were kids...we got pregnant and I got a letter that drafted me...it was either get married and give her and our kids a chance or...leave.
Yn:oh...I'm sorry I didn't mean to
Kent:no no it's just...I guess I still wish we were kids sometimes. I love Sam and Vincent, but I was really only there to help make them. That's it.
Yn:yeah but you're here now. That's important right?

We sat in awkward silence. Jodi came by asking Kent to come home and he followed sadly. I soon left too. Kent and I got really close since he came back to the valley, it's been 6 years now. Sometimes even if I'd never say it out loud I wished Kent wasn't with Jodi. I mean I love Jodi, she's so kind and works so hard...but

(Alter:Eventually she'll finish these...I hope, fuckin rip her she died so let's end this sad streak of unfished yeah?)

The next day I saw Kent walking around town early in the morning, he told me he's been restless and likes his old army schedule. We talked about how on my farm. I wake up early and sleep kinda late, he asked if he could help me out on the farm and I said yes. We headed back and took care of the animals, I couldn't stop staring though. The cows and goats loved Kent and played with him as he fed them. The chickens and I watched as he smiled so calmly with them. I've never seen him smile to big.

Yn: kent I think this is the first time I truly saw your smile.
Kent:huh...oh wow you're right. I haven't smiled like this since before I was shipped off....
Yn:oh fuck I'm sorry I don't mean to bring up bad
Kent:yn, you only bring the best memories to me. Never apologize.

My heart fluttered and I blushed. I know he was just trying to make me feel better but...I don't know his tone sounded so...

*Kent's pov*

Fuck no I'm married. I have kids. No this is a wrong feeling...but they blushed and they just look so adorable....like a cherry bomb...ok bad example..no good one, cute but can definitely hurt you. Either way Jodi is my wife.

Yn:so wanna go eat? Oh wait it's Sunday
Kent:fuck Jodi!

I ran to Pierre's to see Jodi tapping her foot in annoyance.

Jodi:Kent. Come on.
Kent:...sorry I was
Jodi:I don't care, I just don't wanna be late right now.
Kent:..right i...I love you
Jodi:ya..love you too.

The way she said it sounded more like a reflex not even like she meant it. My heart started to ache. At the altar I asked yoba for a sign. I needed to know what to do and if what I felt for yn was even real.

Yn pov*

Sam asked me to come over so I did, he showed me his new guitar and Vincent showed me his weird statue he keeps in the toy chest. As we all hung out Jodi and Kent came back.

Jodi:oh...I'm meeting Caroline. Bye boys.
Kent:wait what about
Jodi:i need some time away. Ok?
Kent:...ya. I get it.

Sam sighed and Vincent cuddled up to me as Kent sat sadly at the couch near us.

Yn:...yall wanna go to my farm for a while? I got piggys and other stuff
Sam:ya! You up for it dad?
Kent:I'd love that.

We all headed over and Vincent got very dirty. Sam ordered a pizza and invited his friends over, since I'm a few years older than Sam and his friends it always felt weird just hanging out with them alone. They are nice just a bit immature for me.

Kent:thanks...I uh you're a good person
Yn:aw I love you too, Kent

I smiled as he looked down with a shy smirk. The butterflies are back and they hurt.

Kent's pov*

Jodis never said it like that to me...she's never understood me the way yn has. I don't understand is this my sign? Then I got it, Lewis called me.

Lewis:im..Kent I'm so sorry but Jodi has put in a request for a divorce. You have to leave the home by the morning.
Kent:i...ok. thank you.

I told the boys and yn. We sat at their kitchen table and discussed what was happening.

Sam:Vince I know it's hard but when someone's not happy in a relationship like moms and dads sometimes they need to get away from each other for a Long time.

I patted my sons shoulders and smiled at them. Yn was just staring at all of us.

Yn:i...I have room. I mean I have 3 extra bedrooms you guys can use or if the kids wanna stay with Jodi that's fine too. I really don't mind Kent.
Kent:...are you..I can get work and pay
Yn:help me on the farm that's your rent. Ok?

Yn pov*

The boys smiled and asked if they can just have a part time room. The kids went home and Kent packed his stuff. He said his goodbyes to Jodie and moved in that night....I feel terrible but it seems like my dream is coming true.

Kent:um can I ask you something?
Kent:where do I sleep.

I showed him my room and said I'd sleep somewhere else and he shook his head.

Kent:this is your house. Your room
Yn:I haven't gotten any furniture for you yet though
Kent:so...we can share a bed.

The butterflies came out of my mouth as I was pushed by them into him. I kissed him soflty as first until he grabbed my waist and whispered into me, "fuckin finally" he pushed me onto my bed and started to undress me. He pulled my underwear down and ate me out. My moans made him moan and I reached to grab his sunshine hair. I pulled him up and switched our places, I sucked on his dick until he lifted me up against the wall and wrapped me around him. He fucked me until the rooster called at 6am. He came all over my tits and smiled as he came down to kiss me softly.

Kent:I've been wanting to do that for 6 years.

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