sore throat (Harvey ☁️💔🛏)

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"OK say ahhhhh"

"Ugh ahhhhh"

"Looks like its just a sore throat. All you need is some vocal rest and tea or warm water based drinks."


Maru walked in bringing some extra stuff and looked at me with a smirk as I said Harvey's name like a teenager.

"Dr. harvey. And you'll be fine ill have my wonderful nurse set you up for the next appointment. Ok? M(r or s) y/n"

I sighed and nodded walking with Maru to the desk. She was still smiling.

"So next week at...2pm?"

I nodded and she smiled and started to look around to make sure no one was listening.

"So how long have you two been together?"

I said in a low voice trying to head the doctors notes.

"We aren't. Hes my friend maru. You know that."

"Aw come on. You can tell me"

"Maru...hes still in love with you."

I took my reminder slip and walked out. I could feel the sorrowfilled face i left her with. It hurt and annoyed me that he was fawning over his nurse, but I couldn't blame him. Maru is smart and kind and beautiful. But I was absolutely head over heels for the stupid pickle loving doctor. I walked back home making myself a warm drink and sitting in front of the TV, I was texting Emily about everything and she asked if I needed her to come over. I told her no and continued my shows.

*skiping to 3 days later you got alot worse very quickly.*

"What happened?"

"They have a fever of 103 and it looks like they can't hold anything down."

I was put on the bed and had an iv in and some cold towels on my head and neck. I looked over to see Harvey looking at some papers that maru brought over and maru standing to the side saying something. Then I passed out. When I woke up the clock said 2am and Harvey was reading a book by my bed, it said "fevers and flus" I was a little worried.


"...oh you're awake. And you don't have to call me that. Im sorry, I just didn't want maru getting any ideas."

"Whats with the book"

" looks like I haven't dealt with a case of the flu in a few....a while. Im sorry I didn't realize sooner."

"Eh its fine. So what are you doing to me then?"

"Taking care of you..."

"Hey Harvey? Before I pass out ive got a question"


"Why don't you like me...the way you like maru?"


And once again I was out like a light. I didn't wake up again until 2 days later. My temperature was gone and I felt like a puppy on his first walk. Maru walked me home and we didn't speak until I got to the door.

"Uh..Harvey...dr. Harvey will come do a home check up later today. Ok?"

"Are you ok maru? You've never called him dr. Harvey before well not like that"

"...I'm ok. Harvey and I talked about some stuff while you were out and its just weird getting used to it all."

"Oh...I'm sorry if I caused any issues."

"Oh no! Not at all, its just that he explained his feelings for me died a while ago and he wanted our relationship to be business since so many people assumed he still felt that way for me and all ya."

She walked away confused looking and I closed me door. I was kinda happy it happened but I also felt bad for her, she wanted a relationship but it always got in the way of her work. That's why it didn't work out with Penny or any of the online dates she tried. I continued my day like I would normally and by 7pm the dr still hadn't arrived. I decided to head the the saloon where gus had made a special meal for me. I sat at the bar talking to Emily and soon it was 8pm so I headed back home hoping Harvey would be by soon.

"Oh good evening. I'm sorry its late I tried to come sooner but I had paper work I had forgotten about"

"Hey, you're good come on inside."

We walked to my door and I made him some coffee and we sat at my table.

"So how are you feeling? Have you eaten already?"

"Ya I just came from the saloon. And I feel great."

"Good. Um I have a question if thats ok."

"Sure, whats up....doc. I'm so sorry I had to"

"Would you want to maybe go on a date with me?"

" love to, harvey"

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