sammy boy ☁

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it was almost noon when i decided to head to the beach, elliot texted me that he saw new shells on the beach and i wanted to collect all the ones i could to sell. when i got there i saw sam and vincent playing in the sand, vincent was making a sand castle and sam looked happy sad. 

sam:good job, are you gonna make a moat?

vincent:OH! ok hold on!


sam:oh hey whats up?

y/n:collecting shells.

i held up a small bag that had sams bands logo on it, he smiled and looked over as vincent ran back to us. 

vincent:hey dad ever coming back?

sam:...i...yeah buddy hes coming home 

vincent:ok...i trust you

vincent ran back making little farms and people i sat with sam as he looked over to me. 

sam:did...did i do the right thing?

y/n:yeah. its good for kids to have hope. plus....lets be honest there is a chance hell come back.

sam:...youre right. thanks, y/n hey what are you doing tonight?

y/n:nothing why?

sam:come over, i wanna show you something. 

it was almost 7pm when sam texted to come over, i left my backpack and only grabbed my phone. on my way i saw seb leaving sams.


y/n:hey seb, hows life

seb:pretty good. yours?

y/n:its ok. im headed to see sam


y/n:shut up

you blushed at your friends teasing and headed to the door. jodi smiled at you and asked you to be quiet since vincent was sleeping, you nodded and walked to sams room where he wasnt. jodi said he was in the shower and will be out in a second so you nodded and waited on his bed and played on your phone until you heard the door open. out came a half naked sam, he shut his door and turned to see you flustered on his bed and he started to blush and apologize quickly looking for clothes. 

sam:i didnt think youd be here yet!

y/n:i dont live far! i can just go 

sam:no no! hold on...ok you can open your eyes now. 

you did and he was wearing pj bottoms and a crop top that also had his bands logo on it. you were still blushing at the sight of him but less then the naked version. 


y/n:its fine, so what did you wanna do?

sam:...can we watch a movie?

y/n:sure. what movie?

he took out his phone and projector, you both laid in his bed and watched a movie about a band getting to success through all odds. it was midnight when you finished the 3rd movie in the trilogy. 

sam:i can walk you home

y/n:thanks but i think your mom will kill me if i cause you to make more noise coming in and out.

sam:i can just stay at your place. wouldnt be the first time

y/n:yeah but thats usually with everyone....youve never spent the night just us that not something youre comfy with?

y/n:thats not it im just...i dont want you to stay the night if you dont..

he leaned in and kissed me softly stopping me from saying stupid stuff. i leaned into him and as we slowly pulled away i opened my eyes to him starting to stare at my lips again. 

sam:so....can i spend the night?

y/n:grab some clothes for the morning lets go. 

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