movies (leah 🛏)

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Leah and I have been friends for a while, shes supposed to come over tonight for a movie night with Emily, Elliot, and Hayley. Sadly everyone else canceled so it was just leah and me. I was getting all the snacks out that she likes and grabbing mine as well when I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey! So everyone else canceled?"

"Ugh yeah but that's ok, it'll just be us."

"Cool! So what are we watching?"

"Oh its supposed to be this old movie about a girl on a train? There's not much in the description so I thought it'd be fun to watch"

She made herself comfy, wearing her sweat pants and a old college sweatshirt. Her sunset hair put into a bun on her head and her adorably freaked smile looking up at me as I hand her some wine I had made a few weeks prior.

"Oh your wine is the best! Don't tell gus. Please"

"Haha thanks and no worries, gus knows."

We laughed and I started the movie trying to focus on what was going on but I couldn't. Leah kept talking about her art and everytime she talked about it it felt like she was glowling.

"Do you think about your future?"

"Wh..what? I mean sometimes...why?"

"Well...where do you wanna be in 10 years, leah?"

We sat there letting the movie play in the background, she told me how she wants to settle down and have 2 kids. We talked about her art career and how she one day wants to be semi famous. The night night went on and soon it was 1am.

"What about you, y/n? What do you want in your future?"

"Oh um...I just wanna get married to a nice girl and have a family with her. I love stardew and my job, so I'd like to stay here and keep the life I have."

"That girl will be super lucky."

"You think?"

" speaking of that, who do you like?"

"Oh first"

"Uh actually speaking of that I made you something."

She pulled out a small wooden statue and handed it to me.

"I named it how I feel about you...."


I leaned into her and slid closer.

"Y/n...I really do like you"

"I like you too."

I grabbed her cheek softly and pulled her closer to me.

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