Haley ☁️

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*im sorry i dont like haley but I'm gonna try so hard to write a good story for her simps*
*they/them but i will be using more masc tones*

I was hanging out with alex today, we were playing gridball on the beach.

Alex:dude you suck!
Y/n:its hard in sand man!
Alex:i guess haha
*alexs phone rings*
Alex:oh shit give me a second
-on the phone-

Alex:hey ya I'm with my friend at the beach. Well you can come if you want, we are just playing gridball. Ya of course. No its the new farmer. Cool. Bye.


Alex:yeah. Sorry, she still doesn't really acknowledge you
Y/n:its ok man. Anyways catch

I threw the ball and it landed in the water, alex yelled and laughed. I ripped my shirt off and jumped into the water to grab it before the tide.

*haleys pov*

At least going today i can catch up on the perfect tan. But that gross farmer will be there...whatever, I'm already here.

Alex;hey, oh y/n just went into the water
Haley:did i ask?
Haley:why are they in the water?
Alex;they threw my ball by mistake. Oh here they come.

Oh yoba. They came out of the water like a movie. The water dripped from their h/c hair and my jaw almost dropped. Luckily i caught myself before anyone actually saw me awning over a gross farmer.

*Y/n pov*

Haley was wearing a pink bikini and i almost got caught staring. She usually looks perfect but i couldnt help it, i wish i could. Alex was staring and making comment after comment about how hot she was and he was loud and obvious about it, but it was as if she wanted him to talk about her like that. Cause as soon as she was out of earshot we started talking about his life again, and my own. I liked alex hes a great friend and we get along really well.

Haley:HEY, bring me water!
Y/n:no! You have legs.
Alex:dude! You cant say that shit to her.
Haley:...wow and i thought you and i coulda gotten along.
Y/n:haley, if i wanted us to be friends i would have just acted like alex. You're hot sure, but tell me this do you actually care about anything other than how you look?
Haley:yeah, i have many hobbies
Haley:..i take pictures
Y/n:...that sounds just as vein as you.

I turned and left. She was ruining the beach for me at this point. I heard Alex yelling at her and i cut through cindersnap to get home faster.

Haley:Wait! Please! Hey I'm sorry ok
Y/n:why are you sorry
Haley:cause youre right, I'm vein and off putting. I am mean to everyone except alex and even with him I'm bad to. I mean he has kept the same hair cut for 6 years because i told him hes ugly any other way. And when he cut it or grew it out anymore i stopped talking to him until it was back to normal.
Y/n:you know the more you talk to me the more i hate you.

I kept walking wishing a cow would come and take her away. Once i got to my house i slammed the door in her face, which made her break my window.

Y/n:get out.
Haley:forgive me and ill leave.

She and i continued our screaming match until shane knocked on my door.

Shane:hey...you ok?
Y/n:take this out and i will be.
Haley:I'm not leaving.

He ran. And she started to go through my stuff.

Haley:wow...so you were in a lot of foster homes. You know my parents kinda just booked it after emily turned 18. They left us the
Y/n:i dont care.
Haley:...what happened to your parents.
Y/n:not sure. Some told me it was a car accident, others say it was a boat and they sank. No one told me for sure though. Now leave.
Haley:please give me a chance. Just one.

Haley stayed and we watched a old movie. We both talked the entire time and threw popcorn at the screen. It was actually really fun. And when i stopped to think about it for a second i liked when shed come around and fight with me. The entire movie i had been secretly texting alex about it since i didnt know how to deal with it.

Alex:dude, if you like her do something!
Y/n:no. I dont even think its anything besides a calm moment.
Haley:hey who are you texting

I had looked over at her and saw she was waiting for him to respond to her. She looked really upset. I texted him and told him to respond to her.

Haley:hey...thanks for not kicking me out.
Y/n:i did kick you out. A lot. You just didnt leave.
Haley:you know what i mean. And this was fun...we should do it again.

She got up and kissed me on the cheek as she left. My face went hot and i was blushing in shock. Yeah i definitely like Haley.

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