Depression on the farm (shane/seb 💔)

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* i uh i dont know what happened during this...sorry*

I dont want to get up. All my crops and my entire farm is automated now, even my animals dont really need me to go out there. I haven't left my house in 2 weeks. The junimos have been grabbing and planting my crops for me and my silos have been pre stocked. I have over 2,000 things of hay over there. I haven't eaten in two days besides the occasional toast.

*knocking on the door*

If i pretend to be asleep no one will know I'm home.

Shane:if you dont open it ill come in.
Y/n:morning shane how have you
Shane:when's the last time you left your house.
Y/n:last night.
Y/n:what? I'm not lying.
Shane:marnie told me you stocked up on hay, 2,000 stacks? Really? And i heard you bought an auto petter from joja.
Y/N:ah let me explain, i wanted to make sure if i got sick i could take care of them.
Shane:....youre not sick.
Y/n:yeah i am.
Shane:y/n...i know the signs. Let me help? Please.
Y/n:shane I'm fine.
Shane:look...i know what happened with you and Sebastian. Please let me
Y/n:you know it might come as a surprise to the entire town but one break up doesn't cause someone to have depression. A lifetime of trauma causes this shit.
Shane:...the breakup didnt help though. Especially why it happened.

The whole town knew, this is fuckin annoying i hate how close everyone is. Seb and i were engaged. It was the day before our wedding and Caroline found him in abbys bed. He apologized and said he was drunk but she told the whole town they have been doing this since a few months after him and i started dating. I haven't left the farm. Ive missed every festival. And 2 weeks ago i just stopped leaving my house. It's been 3 seasons now since anyone except shane has seen me.

Y/n:look I'm tired and gonna eat something you can come in and yell at me or just leave i dont care.
Shane:great I'm coming in.

We shared some coffee and he made me a real breakfast. For the first time in a while i felt like i had energy again. My migraine finally went away too. I still didnt want to leave though.

Shane:are bad is it?
Y/n:not that bad. I just...i guess i dont get it. First my parents abandon me and only write to me to congratulate me and after a year or two they drop me...then i think I'm gonna be able to make a family of my own and hes...he never loved me. Everything he said to me was a huge lie. So why shane. Why?
Shane:I'm not sure...but i know taking a shower and washing your sheets and all your clothes will help.

I did as he asked and by 3pm all my clothes were washed and i smelt like a living human being again. We walked around my farm cleaning it up and talking.

Shane:you know my therapist is really good...I'm sure he could
Y/n:I'm ok. I just need to take my meds again. Ill be ok, but...let me repay you?
Y/n:saloon? Ill buy you food and a joja.

We finished on the farm, it was 6pm and we headed into town. Pam waved at us as we passed her about to clock off.

Shane:are you ok?
Y/n:I'm fine, why?'s Friday. If you dont wanna go in anymore we can just
Y/n:shane, its been 3 seasons. I'm fine. Come on.

We went inside and only Willy and clint where there. Leah soon came in after shane and i sat down and one by one the town started to enter. I sat my back away from the door so i could focus on eating and the conversation shane and i were having. I head lewis start to walk up to us.

Lewis:how have you been, y/n? Ive come to the farm for the shipping container and although it's always full i haven't seen you outside of your house in a while. Usually youre just leaving the coop or barn when i get there.
Y/n:oh I'm fine. I just got some stuff so my animals can go a little longer without me.
Marnie:oh really?
Lewis:well I'm glad youre ok. Have a good night you two! Hahaha
Shane:bye lewis, bye marnie.

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