A storm (seb ☁️)

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I woke up to thunder striking one of my trees outside. I ran out to see what had happened and a hardwood tree was on fire. I knew if I'd leave it be it would just turn to ash since nothing was near it and it was raining enough to almost flood my farm.


I pushed him in and he took off his soaked hoodie. I rang it out and put it in the dryer along with his shirt.

Y/n:here, its a set of pjs for the night.
Y/n:seb why are you out in a storm at 2am?
Seb:i just wanted to think for a while. My motorcycle needs oil so i couldnt just leave town.
Y/n:go change in my room and leave all your clothes in the hamper. Ill clean them.
Seb:you dont have to
Y/n:dont make me middle name you.

He went to change and i made us some tea. I was exhausted and didnt want to be awake but now I'm not sure ill be able to pass out. He came back out holding the laundry basket.

Seb:i uh...where's the dryer?
Y/n:youre the one who installed it. Come on.
Seb:sorry I'm just really tired.
Y/n:yeah where'd you go anyway?
Seb:beach. But then the water rose to the dock. I went to check on willy and he said he'd be ok so i left....i cut through your farm to head home
Y/n:something wrong though.
Y/n:you seem....out of it?
Seb:I'm really tired.
Y/n:seb...when's the last time you slept?
Seb:3...4...a few days ago. Ive been doing a huge program for someone and i couldnt sleep. Every time i closed my eyes i thought of more codes i needed to do...then when i finally took a break i ended up making a comic book. I finished the job this morning but abby wouldn't leave me alone all day so i didnt sleep.
Y/n:seb, come on i made some tea. You can lay in my bed.
Seb:ill take the couch its ok.
Y/n:bed. Now.
Seb:youre demanding.
Y/n:if I wasn't you'd push me around.

He laughed softly as we grabbed our mugs and put his clothes to dry. I shut the lights off and followed him into my room. He sat at the edge sipping his tea and smiling at the warmth.

Y/n:seb...i really missed you.
Seb:i know. I missed you too.
Y/n:can i ask you something?
Y/n:why haven't you told sam or abby?
Seb:i want to make sure what we have is serious and real.
Y/n:i know but if you dont tell abby soon I'm afraid shell just claim you.
Seb:i love you, y/n. I'm tired and distant but i do love you.
Y/n:come on, lets get some sleep.

The rain got louder and we passed out to the sound. When we woke up sebs phone was going off.

Seb:with y/n.
Sam:wait...but its 7am
Abby:what happened to you last night!? Your mom said you didnt come home.
Y/N:yeah he came over here at like 2am and passed out.
Seb:its true. Now if you dont mind, my S/O and i were sleeping.

He hung up the phone and smiled sleepily at me. I smiled back and we went back to bed.

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