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Chapter Sixteen

I lay Thomas down on the bed, "you need to sleep Tommy."
Thomas laughs, "Tommy, why do call me that Tommy?"
I put a finger to my lips, "shh, Thomas. You need to sleep, you've had a lot of drinks."
"Ok then," He gives me a cheesy smile and laughs, "only if you do to."
Thomas grabs my arm and pulls me down onto the bed. He stares into my eyes, and then he closes his. I lay there for there for a minute, then sit up, to take off my shoes. But Thomas squeezes my hand, mutters something, "My eyes are my favourite part of me, not because of how they look, but for what they see."
I smile and lay back down, stroking his hair. Eventually he falls asleep and so do I.

I'm woken by a small klang in the kitchen, I roll over, Thomas is out of bed. I grudgly get up, its still dark outside. My phone lays on the bedside table, I cheak the time, 3:00 am. I sleepily walk into the kitchen, Thomas's head sharply turns around. "Y/N! Oh I didnt mean to wake you."
"Its okay Thomas." I snake my arms around his neck and chuckle, "You got over your hangover pretty quick."
He laughs, "Yeah I'm lucky." He pecks me on the forehead, "you should go back to sleep, I'm sorry I woke you up."
"No Thomas! I'm awake now, I'm staying up with you."
He stares at me for a long time, his eyes wonder down to my left hand, he picks it up, his thumb circles the diamond. "You know why they put it on this finger."
I laugh, "why?"
His finger runs from the diamond, up my arm, across my chest and stops at my heart, he places his full hand down on it, "because it's the only finger with a vain leading to the heart."
I place my hand on his soft cheek, he takes his hand from my chest and places it on my hand. "Why did I get so good Thomas?" I lean forward and kiss him, our lips tangle, he tastes like rum and cinnamon apple. His hand travels from my head, down my back, to my waist he grabs it, tight. Thomas leans back for a moment, sucking in a breath of air. Our lips collide again, his hands slowly move under my shirt, but only to my belly. My fingers grip tuffs of his hair. Our lips move in sync. My fingers hook onto the end of his shirt, lifting it over his head. We stumble back a bit, and fall onto the couch. Thomas falls next to me, I run my fingers through the fronts of his hair, pushing it back. He smiles and runs his finger down my arm and back again. The smallest tear dribbles down my cheek, Thomas notices. His face instantly turns to a face of worry, "Y/N! Are you okay?"
I laugh, grabbing his hand, "I'm perfect."
Thomas wipes away the single tear, "Then why are you crying?"
"Because I'm so happy that I have you."
Thomas purses his lips into the cutest smile ever, and kisses me again. "We're going home tomorrow love."
"I know." I lean forward and kiss him one last time, are tongues touch, combine. I taste his sweet scent, he presses in harder, I place my hand on the back of his neck. But of course my stomach ruins everything. A loud gurgle fills the room, Thomas pulls back, laughing. I start to laugh too, "Man I'm hungry!" I say laughing, Thomas slowly gets up, pulling me up too. We wonder over to the fridge, the fridge light turns on and I immediately pounce on my box of sweets from the cast. I open the box and pull out a tim-tam, "Thomas you need to try this, it is amazing!"
He chuckles, I place the chocolatey biscuit in his mouth. "Yum! That's good! Why haven't I tried one of these before!"
I shrug and laugh, "I don't know." I pop one in my mouth too.
"Jail for you mister."
Thomas sighs and once again, places his monopoly piece in jail. "You are dominating this game Y/N!" He whines, "Well your dominating that packet of biscuits! You've demolished them all!"
We laugh and I squeeze his hand. "Okay my turn," I say as I roll the die, six. I move my piece six places. "Ha I landed on your Trafalgar Square hotel, and I don't have to pay you." I laugh and pass him the die. "Ass." He jokingly mutters, I laugh, "Ass? That's new."
He smirks and takes his turn, "Doubles!" He screams, "shh there's still people sleeping." I say, nearly dying of laughter.
A yawn escapes my mouth, "I win."
"Mmm you won by a lot."
Thomas knows I'm sleepy, he is to. He picks me up and carries me to the bed, shuts the curtains-because it is now light outside-and crawls into bed with me. I grip his arm and mumble, "Goodnight." Instantly falling asleep.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now