A Movie Meet

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Chapter Five

I quickly grab my bag, "Bye Dyl, maybe we can watch a movie later and get takeaway."
Dylan pouts and does some bad fake crying. "Help yourself to anything, just not my room." I say. He gives me the thumbs up and I walk out the door.

I get in the car and drive down Piccadilly until I reach The Wolsely.(this place is real, it looks so nice!) I park the car, and walk out onto the street. The Wolsely is just around the corner. When I get there I tell them the reservation and they take me to the table Thomas is sitting at. He looks gorgeous, his dirty blonde hair falls just above his eyes. He wears a grey T-shirt with a leather jacket over the top and jeans. I wave and he waves back. "You look beautiful."
"So do you." We laugh and I sit down.

"Are you ready?" Thomas asks.
"Nope." I reply, I take a deep breath them say, "Okay I'm ready." I step out onto the ice. Lunch was amazing but now I'm not so sure about ice skating. I wobble a little, standing on blades is hard. Thomas steps out to and takes my hand. "I don't think I can do this." I say.
"You'll be fine, just hold my hands and keep balance."
"Okay." He starts to skate while I wobble behind him. After a while I get used to it, I'm still a little scratchy but occasionally Thomas can let go. "Okay I'm going to do a loop just try to keep your balance, try it by yourself." I nod and he skates off, he is so good at it. "You can do it." I tell myself. I take a step but slip landing on my butt. Thomas quickly skates to my side picking me up. "Sorry." I say, "I'm such a fail."
"Don't say sorry," he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, "I shouldn't of brought you here, if it was going to be to hard. Come on." He takes my hand and we walk out of the rink and take our shoes off. We're about to walk out when a high pitch squeal fills the place, we turn around and a slim teenage girl runs up to us. "OMG!" She screams, "Thomas Sangster! I love you so much, can I have your autograph. Omg your so hot!" She drools and hands him a pen. "Just on my arm here." She squeals again. He signs here arm, and she gives him an expected bear hug, then says, "Call me." Then she runs away leaving Thomas and I in hysterics. We walk out the doors-still laughing- and jump in the car. We drove in silence for a while, we were in my street when I spoke, "Thank you for today, it was fun. I just feel really stupid for messing it up." We pulled into my driveway and we both got out. Thomas took my hand, leaned in so his lips were touching my ear and said "You made my day." Then he got back in his car and drove away leaving me a happy heart.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now