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Chapter Eight

A few months had passed and I had finally decided. I was going to visit Thomas. He didn't know, I had told Dylan and he promised that he wouldn't tell. I pick up Luna from the ground putting her inside the carrier, I put some grain inside and fill up her water. I grab my bags and shut the door, locking it. I jump in the front seat of my car and put Luna on the seat next to me. "America here we come." Im so excited so I put a bit of upbeat music on, car dancing all the way to the airport.
"This is the last call for flight twenty seven, America." My body relaxes a little when I step onto the plane, nothing bad had happened yet. I find my seat and put Luna next to me strapping her carrier in. Luckily I had found a pet plane. Ava had offered to look after her, but I just wanted to take her. I wait until we are fully up in the air to listen to my music. Boardam takes over me so I open photo and flick through them. Most of them are of me and Thomas, I laugh at a few of the silly ones. I'm so excited, I was going to see him soon.
"Taxi!" I yell, a yellow taxi pulls over and I jump in hiding the carrier. I show the taxi driver the address to Thomas's hotel and we speed off down the highway. I had been to America before, only a few years ago actually, but it still mesmerised me with its bright lights and tall structures. After about half an hour of driving we pull up at a beautiful hotel. My mouth hangs open as I stare up at the tall, white building. "Forty please." The gruff taxi driver says. I hand him a fifty dollar notes and he gives me my change. I take my bags and Luna out of the car as the taxi drives away. I quickly pull out my phone dialling Dylan's number. He picks up on the second ring. "Hey Dylan its Y/N."
"Oh hey. I'm just with Thomas now I'm gonna sneak out." There is a ruffling sound and Dylan speaks again, "How are you Y/N?"
"Good thanks, I'm just out side the hotel now."
"Oh wow meet me at the Lobby okay."
"Okay bye." I hang up and start to venture over to the lobby, dragging my heavy bags beside me. I carefully hold the carrier with Luna in it, trying not to make it topple over. I finally reach the lobby, Dylan is already waiting there. "Wow, let me help you!" He stands up from leaning against the wall and takes some of my bags. "Thanks." I sigh.
"Okay I kinda couldn't hold it in,"
"What! You told him!"
"No! I'm not that bad, but everyone knows except Thomas. We're all hanging in Kaya's room."
A smile flickers across my face, "Great."
I had meet The Maze Runner cast before, when Thomas was cast I somehow ended coming along to meet them. So me and Dylan had actually become good friends since then. "You wait here while I go get you another key." He runs to the inquiry desk. Two seconds later he comes back and hands me a key. "We'll drop your bags off at your room first."
I nod and we walk out of lobby onto an elevator.
A few minutes later I open the door to the room only to find, fancy carpets, mahogany tables, silk curtains and bedsheets, a chandelier and exquisite food. My mouth drops open, Dylan chuckles and places my stuff near the smooth, mahogany table. I place Luna next to my stuff, picking a stray cucumber out of a bowel on the table and placing it next to her. I close her door, "Ready?" Dylan asks.
I nod casually and follow Dylan down the fancy hallway, we turn left twice and then stop in front of room 250. I wide grin appears on my face, Dylan opens the door and whispers, "Stay here for a sec." He walks in and leaves me at the door, I can't see anyone but I can hear them. They all talk loudly and then they crack up laughing, I can pick Thomas's sweet laugh out of the group, Dylan obviously walked in on something funny. "Hey Thomas I got something for you." There is still chattering but not as loud. Thomas replies to Dylan, "Oh yeah? What is it?"
I push the door open and smilie, "Me!" I giggle, Thomas turns his head, a look of surprising joy washes over his face,
"Y/N!" He gets up from the couch wrapping his arms around me, burying his head into my neck. "What are you doing here!"
"Well I missed you, and I wanted to come to America." I grin, and give him a kiss on the cheek. Thomas puts his hands on my neck, his thumbs just in front of my ears, are lips collide and I pull him into a hug again.

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