A Movie Meet

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Chapter two

It had been two weeks since I first met Thomas, we are going to start filming today. Me and Thomas had become really good friends, spending most of the two weeks hanging out and getting to know each other better.

Thomas and I are standing around the cameras, we are in costume and have full makeup on. We all are in the middle of London, the scene is shot at this massive water fountain. "Y/N please go sit at the fountains edge." Angelina screams. I follow her instructions, "okay, can you build up to the tears slow at first then really heavy. We don't need to run over the scene again, there's hardly any lines in this part so you'll be good." I once again follow Angelina's instructions, forcing tears to come. I give her a thumbs up and the scene starts.

My shoulders shake, tears moisten my cheeks, I sit there for exactly one minute crying. Until hands wrap around my body. I'm wearing a strapless dress, so I'm kissed on my bear shoulder. Thomas's lips are so soft as they light touch my shoulder I get lost for a moment. Then my head whirls back into the scene. My head flicks to the side, "Angus." The scene ends. Angelina speaks, "Okay great. Maybe next time Y/N, when he wraps his hands around you jump a little, be shocked." The camera men move, and we start the scene again, when Thomas kiss's me I get lost again but manage to finish the scene. After twenty minutes we have finished the scene, each kiss being more beautiful than the last. I'm in pure bliss. "Take a break while we organise next scene."
When I'm back in my normal clothes I decide to have lunch in town, the trailer food never really appealed to me. On the way to my car I bump into Thomas, literally. Making us fall over, I land on top of him, but quickly collect my thoughts and get off him. "Sorry." I say.
"It's fine, where are you going?" He asks.
"Town for lunch, trailer food is not my thing."
"Oh, do you mind if I join." His British accent plummets on me and my mind melts.
"Sure, not at all," I grin, "do you want a lift."
"Why not." I wave my hand in the direction of my car and we both walk off towards it.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now