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Chapter one
Your POV

I quickly wrap up yet another sandwich, "five dollars please."
The little girl hands me the money, takes her sandwich and leaves the shop. It had been a busy day, and I was the only one working at 'Sammies Sandwiches' I hated it, but I need the money, year twelve was nearly over. As soon as it is I'm leaving and jumping on a plane to America. I let out a big breath and settle down into a chair, picking up my book. This was usually the time when there weren't so many customers, and I could relax. Just as I start the first sentence, the bell on the door rings. I rub my face and get up to serve another customer. He is looking down at the menu, immersed in it. He looks up and smiles. Warmth flows through me, he has perfect features, and the most amazing smile. I guess working at 'Sammies Sandwichs' did have its good side.
"LTL please." He has a thick British accent, it makes my mouth drop and its beauty-not literally.
I quickly nod and get to work on the lamb sandwhich, in half a minute I'm done. I hand it to him, "Six dollars."
He takes his money out of his pocket and places it in my hand, it lingers there for a while. His soft skin against mine. Then everything speeds up, he turns around and calls out as he leaves, "hope to see you around."
I smile, "me too." I whisper.

The day rushes past, I serve about twenty more people. But the whole time I'm thing about him. His smile lingers in my mind, the way he kept his hand on mine. God, had I lost my mind. Seventeen and I was obsessing over a guy I'd seen once. I'm sure I'd forget about him in a couple of days, maybe. I chuckle and take my stuff, locking up the shop. I really hope I'd see him again.

A/N: sorry I know it's short, but I have been real busy lately, and I also just entered another fandom so I have been getting caught up in that 😁❤️ sorry, I'll try to update more regularly

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