Awkward Part 1

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Your POV

"Dylan!" I yell one more time. No reply. He has used my clean towel to mop up the wet bathroom floor and it now sits soaking in the corner, all the other clean towels are missing. I know there is a clean pile of clothes in my room maybe there's a towel in there. Before opening the door I check the room to see if there's anything I can cover myself up with but theres nothing, no one would see me right? There was only my brother and he didn't tell me if Britt (his girlfriend) was coming so I think I'm safe. I quietly open the door and tip toe out. My heart misses a beat, my insides shrivel when I see a figure at the top of the stairs, a look of shock on his face. My hands quickly move to cover everything up and I run into the closet room, which so happens to be mine. When the door is shut, I literally slap my head. Although I'm more angry at Dylan! He didn't tell me we were having guests! Although he never tells me anything, I can't wait until I can scrape up enough money to move out. While I get changed into a dark blue shirt and jeans I think of what had just happened. A random- well actually a cute random, I guess not really a random he was Dylans friend- had just seen my naked. Naked! I had fully flashed to him. I decide staying in my room all night would be a good idea, but that thought is quickly washed away when Dylan comes knocking on my door.
"Y/N! It's dinner I've made you some and we have guests so your having it with us."
"But Dylan!" I whine like he was my mother.
"No buts! Your coming." I quietly laugh still annoyed he really did sound like my mother. I brush my hair once more and then rush down the stairs. "I'm here!" I shout when I get down the stairs. Everyone turns to look at me, everything falls silent. Dylan laughs, "well Y/N now your here want to take a seat, there's one next to Thomas." He points to the one who saw me in my 'birthday suit'. I cringe a little at half the fact that he is un naturally amazingly hot and know he's seen me naked the other half that I just made a stupid grand entrance. Thomas- I think that was his name- looks up at me and slightly smiles not cheekily but just genuine niceness. He has brownish blondish hair and milk chocolate eyes, a cute nose and thin kind lips. I slightly smile back, not forgetting this guy has seen me without any clothes on, and pull out a chair. Dinner is on the table and I'm surprised to see that Dylan has cooked it, he has not once! Okay maybe once, but hardly ever cooked me dinner. Chatter starts around the table as everyone eats, across from me is a slim pretty girl with brown hair and next to her is a guy with amazing eyebrows, opposite Dylan is an buff looking Asian, he looks really nice. And then there's Thomas, I turn to him, "look I'm really sorry about before." I whisper.
"Oh no don't be." He has a deep beautiful British accent that melts my brain.
"I didn't know Dylan was having guests over and he used up all the tow-"
"It's okay really. It's gone from my mind don't worry about it."
I awkwardly pick at me lasagna, "how about we start again." He offers.
"Well I'm Thomas, very nice to meet you."
I unexpectedly laugh, "what?!" He asks.
"Nothing I'm sorry, I'm Y/N."
He gives a small little nod and laughs which I then join into to. "I know we kinda just met but I'd like to know you a bit better Y/N."
I blush a little, "me too." He smiles a big bright smile and then Dylan catches his attention and starts to talk to him about something to do with filming. I then realise I'm sitting at a table full of wonderful actors, it had happened before, I'd met the cast of Teen Wolf but this felt different, this felt like a success especially after 'the incident'. My mind wonders a little more over to Thomas, I feel like I'm in high school again, crushing on some guy I barely knew. The corners of my mouth travel up to my ears, he wanted to see me again, he..he liked me. I wait in pure bliss until he turns around again.


😰 I'm sorry I'm a terrible person

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