A Movie Meet

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Chapter Four

The rain pattered down on my window sill causing me to wake up. A brake no work, I decide to get up though. I climb out of bed running my fingers through my hair. Dylan is still asleep on the couch, snoozing quite loudly. I laugh and slide my self into the chair under the marble kitchen bench. Breakfast, "Okay," I say to myself, "Today I must keep my mind on something other than Thomas."
"Yeah you must."
I scream nearly falling off my chair, "Dylan you scared me half to death, I thought you were asleep."
He laughs and comes to sit next to me. "What are you doing today?" He asks.
"Ahh relaxing, sleeping some more maybe."
"Good idea." A loud grumble fills the room. "Geez your hungry Dylan when was the last time you ate."
"Ahh a couple of hours ago, I got up in the night, I was starving."
We laugh and I say, "help yourself I'm going to have a shower."

I turn on the water adjusting the taps to make it just right. I wash my hair and then jump out, getting dressed into jeans and a silky navy blue T-Shirt. When I walk back out Dylan has three eggs, a large amount of bacon and four pieces of toast piled on his plate. "Wow," I say, "you were hungry. You're not even chubby."
"I know! It's a gift." We laugh and he goes back to eating, while I find some food in the pantry. I pull out the bread and jam, but I'm interrupted by my phone loudly ringing. I jump putting down the bread and jam and run towards my phone. It's Thomas, I smile but then contemplate- remember your mind off Thomas, no don't be silly. I press the answer button, "Hello." I say shakily, "Hey Y/N. What you up to?"
"Um I was just having breakfast. What about you."
"I was thinking. Did you want to have lunch?"
My heart beats fast, Y/N it's just a friendly lunch. I smile, "Sure, sounds good."
"Great. How about The Wolsely, we'll meet at twelve."
"That's perfect."
"Oh ah, I heard about a new ice skating rink opening just a few blocks away, and since it's cold I thought why not go there while we have the brake."
A big grin appears on my face, "Ive never done Ice skating before."
He chuckles, "That's okay, I'll teach you." I smile, gosh he was cute!
"Thanks, I'll see you at twelve."
"Great, bye."
"Bye." He hands up and I flop down on my bed. Dylan calls from the kitchen, "Looks like someone has a date."
"No it's a friendly lunch and a day out as friends." I emphasise the word friends and he laughs, "Yeah sure it is."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now