Rainy Day

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The racket of the train fills my ears. It wasn't a busy day. In the far corner of the train there was only one other man, he was gruff and big, with a hat covering half his face, he hasn't said anything. I sigh and sit down on the red plump seats and lean my head against the shaky window. The sky above was misty and grey, rain drizzled down the window. It was a miserable first day to start collage. My mom had sent me away to London, she didn't want me around any more- she had a new boyfriend. My dad lived in London so I was half English, although I didn't like him much so I'd be living and staying at the college. I didn't know anyone here (besides dad) so I had to find some friends, and me being me, that sounded hard.

I click on my phone, the screen lights up and displays me with the time, 9:00am. Half an hour left. The collage was said to be a bit into the country so I would have to get a taxi after the train. I think of the future events of today- unpacking, meeting people, driving e.t.c, sleep wasn't included, so I settle into my seat, close my makeup less eyes and think about the warm weather of Hollywood.

I'm woken up to a loud screech and a jolt forward. I quickly stand up, "what's happened?" I ask the gruff man as I peer out the window. He just stares and says nothing, luckily the driver comes. "I'm sorry, the train has come to a holt, it seems as if something has gotten stuck in the wheel. The next train station is a half an hour walk from here or you are welcome to stay on the train, but it may take an hour or so to fix." The driver say. I thank him, take my bags and make my way off the train.

The weather has gotten worse, I pull my jumper tighter on me and start to walk, hoping I'm going in the right direction. After nearly ten minutes of walking I come across a small town and decide to take a break. I had awhile until I actually had to be at the collage.

The street looks old and tacky but there is a newly built Starbucks, I know it will be warm inside and it is. I automatically order a cameral latte. It's very busy, people piled into seats, chatting loudly. I don't mind though, in the corner of the cafe is a plush green couch, there's only one person sitting there. He has a brownish blonde hair and is sipping his cup of coffee peacefully and happy. He looks beautiful.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I ask the guy motioning to the empty seat next to him. He sweetly smiles, "not at all."
I smile back and take a seat, "I'm Y/N, nice too meet you.
He takes a sip of his coffee and offers his hand to shake, "Thomas."

Surprisingly we start to fall into conversation, I'm telling the story of how my train broke down..."and that's how I ended up here. I'm probably extremely late for school."

"What school do you go to?" He asks.

"It's actually a college. Clearmont."
Thomas smiles at the name. He chuckles, "I was just about to drive there, I've been attending for quite some while."
I giggle at his handsome British accent.
Thomas starts to speak again, "would you like me to drive you? It's better than taking the train, I could show you around. We could get to know each other."

We could get to know each other. This adorable guy sitting in front of me with a cup of Starbucks and a woollen forest coloured jumper wants to get to know me. Me.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now