The Notebook

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Your POV

"Thomas!" I yell, no answer. I quickly run out into the bathroom and look through the cabinets, nope. I grab my phone and get back to the toilet. I could text my boyfriend to do it, but Thomas is just there so I text him instead.

I text Thomas: Come here please!

A few minutes later I hear him approach the door, "Y/N you alright?"

"Thomas can you please go to the shops for me?"

"Um..sure what do you need?"

I cringe a little, this would be awkward since Thomas was only my friend, but I guess I did share a house with him, and he was one of my greatest friends, so it wouldn't be that awkward, would it? "Well I'm going to need you to buy some um...pads for me."

Oh god this was awkward!

" I'll be back soon...I guess." I hear him leave, he was so nice I was glad to have him here. All I needed to do now was wait.


Thomas's POV

"Well I'm going to need you to get some pads." She says.

I was not expecting this, but if she was having 'lady dramas' well I have to help but I don't want to sound like I'm completely happy doing it so I answer with, " I'll be back....I guess."

I leave out the door and drive to the closest shops. The thing that annoyed the hell out of me was that Y/N was actually a really beautiful person and because of that she had a boyfriend, Ben. I knew there was no chance, I was a friend, I had to get that through my head but ever since we graduated together I have really liked her.

I pull into the car park and run into the shops. Were would I find them? I'd never done this before. Lady's wear? Toiletry? I decide to go down that isle, at the end is a big section full of colourful boxes and heaps of different labels. Shit. I hadn't asked her which one she wanted, I'd just have to pick some.

What did she want? Heavy? Light? Sleepy? Extra long? Starters? Day fun? What the hell was 'day fun'!

I decide to just pick out a packet of sleepy and day time. It was a little awkward walking around with two packets of pads in my hands, but I suck it up. I had to.

There's lots of lines so I get in the shortest one, two people are I front on me. I recognise the person at the counter, it's Ben. I didn't know he worked here. The lines moves forward another person but before they're are served a girl comes and takes Ben's place. His shift was over. He gets his stuff and walks outside, joining a very skinny girl with big lips and heaps of makeup on. He says something to her, obviously I can't hear. I realise I'm invading his privacy and should stop watching but before I look away I see him lean in and kiss her! Shocked I quickly move to the front, pay and run out. Ben is walking away with the girls arm wrapped around his waist.

I needed to get home. Fast.

It's only a ten minute drive home and I stumble up the stairs, the scenes of what just happened still playing in my head.

"I'm back!" I say knocking on the door.

"Oh good thanks just open the door a little and I'll get them."

I easily pass them to her without seeing anything and then go into the kitchen.

A few minutes later she comes back out and laughs, giving me a hug, "thanks Thomas your a lifesaver, literally."

I laugh, "anytime." I pull back and pause.

"Everything okay?" She asks.

"Umm, I have some bad news, you might want to sit down."

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now