Awkward Part 2

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Okay I have no idea where this is going so don't judge
It had been a month and Thomas and I were really close, we had done a few things together, but only as friends. He was a really nice, sweet guy. Tonight Dylan (of course) had a party and apparently it was my job to make all the food, I didn't want to but I loved my brother so I did it anyway. So here I am slaving away in the kitchen, making food for forty people. A few people have already arrived, but only really close people like Britt.

I slide the last tray of rolls into the oven. Now I can get ready, I run upstairs and decided to have a quick shower, this time double checking that I have a towel. Dylan -and probably Britt- used up all the hot water, she stayed last night and who knows what they did together, so I quickly get out. I get changed into a deep blue long dress and some gold jewellery, I tie up my hair in a mess bun and apply little amount of makeup. Shoes, I needed shoes, I put on a some wedges. The rolls haven't really cooked that much, so I serve up the other food, placing it on the table on the veranda. The veranda is really big so I'm guessing most people will be outside.

It's starting to get dark and nearly everyone has arrived, I've found some of my friends. At about eight o'clock I get a tap on the shoulder, I turn around to see Thomas's bright face. "Thomas! Your here!" I give him a hug.
"Hey Y/N. I got to tell you something."
He takes my hand and starts to lead me from the group, my friends are distracted by something so it's okay. He takes me out to the veranda, a beer in his hand. "Y/N," he awkwardly plays with the bottom of his jacket, "I actually really like you."
He leans forward and presses his lips against mine, he tastes like musk and cinnamon sticks, a sweet taste. It reminds me of a walk down a smooth path, the sun rising and the tress dipped in morning dew. Unfortunately all that is interrupted by Dylan, "Really Y/N! Really!" I pull back, embarrassed.
"You said you were friends!" He continues.
"We were b-"
Thomas cuts in, "sorry it was my fault."
"I don't want-" This time I interrupt Dylan, "no this is my choice, your not my mother Dylan I can do what I want!"
Dylan sighs, "okay Im sorry. Go back to whatever you doing." He goes to turn around but gives Thomas a 'you hurt her and I'll kill you' look then leaves.

I turn back around to face Thomas, giving him a hug. "Thomas," I whisper very close to his ear, "I want to be with you."
He chuckles and whisper, "I love you Y/N."

So yeah sorry that kinda sucked, I'm getting worse aren't I 😭

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