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Chapter Three

"Come with me." He whispers, I stop and glare at him, "why?"
"Please," he begs, all the class have left and gone to lunch.
"No! Why should I? You were amazing and beautiful at work, then you humiliated me in front of everyone, and then you never talked to me again!"
He runs the back of his neck again, "I know, and I'm sorry but I couldn't talk to you."
"Again, why?"
"I'll tell you if you follow me."
I let out a huff and follow him out of the class room. He didn't talk while we walked, he only linked his fingers with mine, pulling my along the crowd. "Thomas where are we going?"
He places a finger to his lips, "shhh."
We are now outside behind the hall, I stop him. "Thomas I'm so bloody confused! You talk to me one day then ignore me the next, now your telling me to be qui-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine. I stumble back a bit as he pushes me against the wall. It was full of magic, sparks, but I was completely surprised and push him back a bit. "What!?"
He bites his lip and smiles, "I know I'm the worst at this, but I really really like you Y/N, and I was an ass but I thought if I talked to you I'd mess it up." He looks away a little and whispers, "like the first time. I'm sorry but when I saw you at the sandwich place I knew that I loved you, and that doesn't happen to m-"
This time I'm the one cutting him off, it's better than the first. A group in our class passes and cat calls, I don't care though. When they're gone Thomas smiles and speaks, "what do you have next?"
"Free period."
His smiles grows, "well I've never explored the forest that lines this school, mind showing me?"
He bows down holding out his hand, as if he was going to take me to dance. I giggle and curtsy taking his hand, "why of course Mr Sangster."
We both laugh and head towards the forest

I don't know if I should keep writing 'sandwich' leave it here or keep going? I just know how to finish this imagine.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now