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Chapter Nineteen

"Thomas! We still haven't done the guest list! We're leaving tomorrow!" I yell up the stairs, a few minutes later he comes down the stairs, pulling my into a hug. "Love you need to calm down. We have packed so we'll do the guest list today. Then we have two weeks at your parents before the wedding." He places a kiss on my forehead. I was stressed, big time. It seemed the 'to do' list never stopped. But I was glad I had Thomas, he always calmed me down. I sigh and fall onto the couch, running my fingers through my hair. Thomas moves over to the stereo and inserts a CD, soft music plays through the house. He then grabs his computer and sits next to me, "okay let's do the guest list."
I laugh and peck him on the cheek, "I love you."
He runs his hand down my back, and kisses my shoulder, "I love you so much my darling."
I put my arm on his waist, while he opens up a new document. Time passes as we write down possible people.

An hour has gone by, and we at least have a few hundred people. Thomas's stomach growls, "let's eat, we can narrow the guests down on the plane, we have a twenty four hour flight."
I nod rubbing my eyes, "I'll make dinner."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, is pasta okay?"
Thomas walks up stairs to take a shower, I move over to the kitchen and start on the white sauce.

"Dinners ready." I call, Thomas quickly bounces down the stairs, sliding into a chair. "Why are so amazing?"
I chuckle, "Why are you such an amazing actor?"
Thomas laughs, "you think I was acting just then?"
My lip quivers, as I force a smile. My insides break down, tears come uncontrollably. Thomas instantly pulls out his chair, wrapping his arms around me. "Y/N," My shoulders are shaking like mad, "Y/N what's wrong."
My tears slow but my teeth chatter.
"Y/N! What wrong! Talk to me my love."
"I...I don't know." I stutter, I stop and take a deep breath, "Thomas why are you marrying me?"
A wave of concern washes over his face, "Because I love you."
"Do you?"
He holds my chin, and kisses my neck. "Yes Y/N, with all my heart. I don't know what I'd do with out you. Why are you questioning this? What's happened?"
I let out a laugh, "I guess I thought that I don't know, maybe you changed your mind." I laugh, "but I'm just a weirdo. A hungry, stressed weirdo, who needs to calm down, because she is going to be with the one she loves forever."
Thomas laughs, "well your the best hungry, stressed weirdo I've ever known." He takes my hand, and slides his bowl over to us. We sit tightly pressed together, shoving the warm creamy pasta into our mouths.
The shower water switches off, I dry myself with a towel and walk into the bedroom. Thomas is laying under the blanket, a book in his hands. I get dressed in my comfy PJ's, and bound into bed, snuggling up next to him. He places his book on the bed side and table, and strokes the back of my head. "Your like my magic pill Thomas, you always make me better."
"Well I am an amazing actor."
I roll my eyes and laugh, lightly hitting him on the chest. Thomas sniggers and switches off the lamp. "Goodnight Tommy."
"Goodnight weirdo."
He laughs and kisses me on the head.

"Crystal?" Thomas asks, "Crystal, who the hell is Crystal?"
"You know, um, I think she used to do yoga with you, or something."
I laugh, "no to Crystal."
He backspaces her name. We had been on the plane for nearly twenty two hours, I was getting extremely tired, but we had nearly finished the guest list, so I would go to sleep after we had.
"Okay who do you want from the Maze Runner cast?"
"I don't know if I should ask them, because it's a far way to travel, but I guess it would be fun." He pauses to think, "Kaya, Will and-" he runs his fingers through his hair, "Dylan."
I put my hand on his shoulder, "you sure?"
He nods, "why not?"
I smile, turning his head so he is looking at me. My fingers slide into his hair, I lean forward, pressing our lips together. He moves his hands down to my waist, "shame we're on the plane." I say, taking my hands down. He laughs, "you look extremely tired, do you want to have a sleep for the last hour and a half?"
I lay my head down on his lap, and kick my legs out to the empty seat next to me. "thanks." I yawn, closing my eyes.
I open my eyes, I'm still laying on Thomas's lap. A petite air hostess is standing at the ends of the seats. She lets out a sigh, "excuse me Ms, you need to sit up the seat belt sign is going to come on any minute."
A flush of embarrassment washes into my cheeks. I sit up and plug in my seat belt. Thomas is asleep, so I put his in for him.

The plane roars, we head down. Thomas's eyes snap open, "how'd you sleep?" I ask.
He rubs his face, "pretty good."
"I hope I didn't bother you."
"No, not at all, it was actually quite comforting."
I peck him on the cheek, "good."

"There's the last one." I point to the large black suitcase, I quickly scoop it up, not giving it a chance to take another loop. Thomas rolls the trolley towards me, I place the remaining bag on top of the large pile. My hand move onto the trolley handles, "I'll take it."
Thomas pushes his hands back on, "no I'll do it."
I give him a jokey evil eye, he gives me a cheesy smile back. "Fine, I'll take your carry on."
He hands me his small bag, "lets get a quick snack, and then find Nina."
Nina was one of the greatest friends I've ever had, I hadn't seen her for at least six years. She lived quite close to the airport, so we were staying with her for a night and then going to my parents. We had known each other since primary school, it was extremely hard saying goodbye to her when I left in high school to go to London. I finished high school in London and stayed there with Thomas, after that my parents decided they missed Australia and moved back.

"You stay in this line, I'll go get coffee."
I nod and Thomas walks off, the line moves slow but eventually I get to the front, ordering two decent sandwiches.
I wait for Thomas at a small table, he takes a while but soon comes back with large coffees. He slides into the chair opposite me, "sorry beautiful, I ran into a group of fans."
I chuckle, "that's okay," I try my acting skills, "shame I can't have you all to my self."
He laughs, "still needs some work."
"Darn it, I thought I was as good as you."
We share a laugh and gobble down our food. When we're finished we pick up our bags, and find the 'people pick up' area, coming across only one more fan. We stand around for a little bit until a car pulls up I front of us. Nina's little figure jumps out, "Y/N!"
"Nina! I haven't seen you for so long!"
She pulls me into a hug, I wrap my arms tightly squeezing her. We pull back, "hey Thomas, gosh I haven't seen you for a while either."
They give each other a hug, "can I see it please." Nina says, a grin spreading across her face from ear to ear. I pull out my hand, she gasps, "Y/N it's beautiful."
"I know, Thomas has got good style."
Thomas and I share a chuckle. A large security man walks up to us, "excuse me Ms, you'll have to move your car."
"Oh sorry." Nina says, "let me just put these bags in the boot."
The man grunts, "hurry up about it."
We all move into action, placing the bags in the boot. Thomas and I sit in back, Nina starts the car and we drive away, talking the whole time.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now