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Chapter One
Your POV

The sun shines brightly through the window and down on me, everything is quiet so I know Thomas is probably plotting something with Nora our child. But I continue to read and take a sip of tea, smiling all the while. I didn't want to ruin what they had planned. Little whispers come up behind me and I hear Nora giggle. Then suddenly Thomas yells a war cry and jumps on me, his fingers wiggling into my stomach. I scream and Nora joins in on the tickling. "Get her!" Thomas yells. Nora laughs and goes for my armpits. I'm nocked to the ground in fit of laughter as I playfully struggle to get free. "Get daddy!" I yell.
Nora stops a large smile appears on her little face, she growls and starts to go after Thomas. She was only three but man she could tickle. "No!" Thomas screams as I join. After about five minutes we give up and collapse on the carpet. Thomas leans forward and kisses me, Nora crawls over Thomas and squishes in the middle of us. Her big blue eyes stare up at me, she fiddles with my necklace, "mommy I don wan you to go tomorrow."
I smile and stroke her hair, "I'll only be gone three days, that's not long. I'll be back before you know it."
She giggles and gives me a kiss on the shoulder, running down the hall and into her bedroom. Thomas helps me up and pulls me into his arms. "I love you so very much my darling Y/N." He holds me tighter his fingers playing with ends of my hair.
"Thomas I'll be back soon, I promise it won't be long." I kiss his nose, "now I better get packing."
He smiles but I can see the sadness in his eyes. I lean forward and squeeze his hand, "why are you upset about this?"
"I don't know, you haven't been away for more than a day since Nora was born, what if I'm not good enough."
"Thomas! You're the most wonderful father on the planet, don't doubt that!"
He chuckles and places a harsh kiss on my lips, "thank you beautiful."


The streets are busy as I carry my luggage to the bus, I was going to Paris for work but it would only be a small trip. I had Thomas on the phone saying my goodbyes again to him. I kissed him and our little girl goodbye, but about five minutes after I brought a steaming cup of coffee at Starbucks he called again. I laughed when I picked it up and now I was running to a bus stop, hot coffee in my hand, balancing phone and carrying luggage. "Yes Thomas I promise I'll call you lots." I laugh, "hey I'm never this clingy when you go away."
He makes a little whining noise, "I know but I just already really miss you."
I turn another corner, "oh Thomas I can see the bus arriving, I really have to go!"
"Love you!" He calls, I can hear a faint voice in the background, "love you mommy."
I smile as I rush across the street, "love you t-"

Thomas Brodie-Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now