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Your POV

Each solider limps off the dull train, cuts and bruises cover their faces but when they see their loved ones it doesn't seem to matter. I wait patiently for my loved one but the grey door folds shut, and Thomas never comes out. I clutch my stomach as the thought of our child with no father. Thomas was gone.

"Promise me you'll come back." I whisper as I brush my lips against his soft lips.
"I promise." He presses me forward and I hope this isn't the last kiss we share. An officer calls for the last time, Thomas quickly leans down and kisses my belly, "see you soon little baby."
He smiles and squeezes my hand, "I love you Thomas!" I yell as the train pulls away, he leans out of the small window blowing me kisses. I laugh and blow him one to. The last thing I saw was Thomas's waving hand in the distance.

End of flashback

Tears sprout at my eyes, my heart drops. Thomas. Was. Gone. My head flickers around searching for a spot of hope. But all I see is families greeting each other, and mine was dead. The baby kicks and I'm reminded that our child would grow up with no father. Then out of the corner of my vision I do see a flicker of hope. Worried chocolate brown eyes, dirty blonde hair. Thin lips. My feet move like there is no tomorrow, I push people out of the way. He notices me and starts to run towards me too. I'm reminded of an old love film, it was cliche but then again all the best love stories are. "Y/N!" He yells, we reach each other and by this time tears are pouring down my cheeks. There's an endless amount of kisses, "Thomas your here!"
"I love you." He stutters, "I'm never leaving you again."
I brush my fingers through his hair, "I've never been so happy to see you."
He laughs and pecks my nose, "thanks love."
I grab his hands and put them in my stomach, "he's kicking."
He raises his eyebrow, "he?"
I nod, "we're having a baby boy."
He grabs me tight, "we're having a baby boy!" He shouts, a few people look up but don't seem fazed. I hug him tight again, "I'm so glad your home!"
He lifts me up and carry me bridal style, "lets go home."
I nod, my eyes beg for a kiss. He chuckles and leans down careful not to hurt me and places his lips o mine one more time. I feel him smile through the kiss. I pull back and whisper, "your never going to war again!"
He laughs and carries me down the concrete path and into the sunset, just like an old love film.

Okay? 😁😖
I hoped you liked it, I'll publish more tomorrow or Saturday 😊❤️
Listening to End Of The World by Juliet Simms, music vid is so fucking sad 😭 but Andy tho ❤️

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