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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't been writing I have exams and student body government activities. I only had time for one update right now so I'm really sorry it's late.


Renjun POV

Jaemin start's counting to 60 with his eyes closed. I have no idea where to hide where as Jeno sprinted out of the room to a hiding place. I panic and sprint out of the room I decided to hide in a closet on the top shelf behind some boxes. I chuckle to myself quietly thinking I won't be found and then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Renjun be quiet or else we are gonna be caught" I hear a voice that caught me off gaurd.

"Wha- Chenle?"

"mhm it's me now shhhhhh

"What are you doing in here and why are you hiding in the closet."

"Well Hyuck, Mark, Jisung, and I wanted to drop by to ask if you wanted to eat and we when we opened the door we heard you guys talking about hide and seek so as soon as Jaemin closed his eyes we all decided to play as well." Chenle shrugged.

"I can't bel-"

"READY OR NOT HERE I COME" I hear Jaemin yell 

I get out my phone and text Jeno and Jaemin of the situation.


*explains situation*

Weird dude: 

That sounds about right honestly

Guy who doesn't like me:

Yep that's pretty accurate coming from Hyuck and Chenle

Weird dude:

Well you both should get off your phones because I will see the light if you're in a dark enclosed place

Guy who doesn't like me:

oh shit ur right



Weird dude: 

Ah HA so you are both in a dark enclosed place thanks for the help

Renjun and Jeno POV


Renjun POV

Chenle slaps the back of my head "Stupid now you just lowered his options but I have to say that was pretty smart."

"Also is Weird dude Jaemin and is Guy who doesn't like me Jeno?" he laughs softly


"I understand Jaemin's but why is Jeno's saved as that"

"Because I'm pretty sure Jeno hates me.......I just get that vibe from him"

Chenle POV

This dense motherf-

I all of a sudden get a text message from Kun.

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