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Third person POV

"Injunnie why would you pick that movie it was so sad...." JaeMin says having some tears in his eyes.

"Oh c'mon it was that sad but it was gOod."

"You're one to talk you are literally sobbing uncontrollable tears right now." 

"What no I just.....yawned."

"Injunnie you can cry it's alright it was sad I will cry with you." Jaemin says in a whiny voice while clinging onto me.

One second after that Renjun grabs Jaemin and start sobbing, "It was so sad.......and that whiTe hair girl is such a binch she literally got away with everytHing!!"

"I know, I know but princess it is just a movie....." Jaemin says trying to calm him down.

"Just a movie?......JUST A MOVIE???!! NANA IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!!! Right nono?" Renjun turned to see Jeno fast asleep.

"Aawwwww he's sleeping isn't he so cute junnie" Jaemin says fanboying over his boyfriend.

"He truly is.....but you are too.." renjun say under his breath but Jaemin heard. 

"Thanks junnie but you're cuter." Jaemin says happily while planting  a kiss on Renjun's cheEk.

"I- stop suRprising me with kisses it's not good for my heart." Renjun says lightly hitting Jaemin's shoulder with a bright tint on his cheeks.

As they were laughing Renjun feels a hand grab his Wrist, pull him down, and embrace hIm. Jeno hugs on to Renjun tightLy but comfortabLy.

"Awwwwww my to boyfies are snuggling I'm gonna go mAke dinner okay?" Jaemin says pinching Renjun's cheek.

Renjun nods in response and closes his eyes and staRts wondeRing how he got so lucky to have two people who chose to be wIth him eVen after all the things he's said to thEm. He slowly drifts off to sleep in Jeno'S embrace. He dreams of being with the two people who brigHtened his life and made him sO comfortable, waRm, and safe. They were both then awakened by a sound of a camera shutter. They both open their eyes to Jaemin holding his phone taking picTures and trying hard not to squeaL. 

"That's gonna be my new lock screen." Jaemin says changing his lock screen.

"But whY though aren't people gonna think that's a little know having two guys sleeping together as your lock screen." Jeno says rubbing his eyes.

"No of course not having this as my lock screen shows people that I have two beautiful boyfriends and they're all mine." Jaemin says cuddling both of them.

"Or that your stalking two guys and take pictures of them sleeping." Renjun says getting up from the pile. They all laugh except Jaemin who is pouting and refuses to remove his new background.

"Let them think what they want I wannabe me, me, me and only me!" Jaemin declares as he stands up.

"A stalker? And did you just make an itzy reference?" Renjun says giggling.

"1. No as a person who loves their boyfriends and 2. Yes gotta problem? Stan queens."

They all laugh at Jaemins childishness and head to the dining table where they see tamago rolls, tonkatsu, kimchi, daikon, and bowls of rice (sorry this is what I made for dinner for my family so yeah that's my inspiration for this meal.) 

"How nana you made all this?!" Jeno and Renjun says.

"Yes don't act surprised I can cook really well okay!" He says crossing hands pretending to be offended.

"I just thought you both sucked considering the note from the moomin cookies." 

"What note." Jamein says tilting his head. While Jeno starts laughing and making the hand gesture to stop talking behind Jaemin says.

"Oh um nothing."

"Injunnnnnniiiiiieeeeeeeee telllllllllllllll meeeeeeeee."

"Jaemin cmon the foods getting cold let's see if you're as good of a chef as you say you are." Jeno says patting his shoulder as he takes a seat.

"You two won't be disappointed trust me." Jaemin says saluting while taking a seat.

As soon as they all start eating both Renjun and Jeno were swooned over Jaemin's cooking.

"Wow Jaemin that was really good." Renjun says taking his last bite.

"Mhmm just call me chef nana." Jaemin says smirking and crossing his arm feeling proud of himself. Renjun let a out a giggle and walked over to Jaemins chair.

"Ok 'cheff nana' thank you for dinner." Renjun turns Jaemin's head towards him gives a quick peck on the lips and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, Jaemin has a light tint of pink on his face really taken aback by Renjun's bold move.

"Someone's a little flustered I see." Jeno says wavering his eyebrows.

"I-I-It just caught me off guard coming from our shy little injunnie." Jaemin says clearing his throat.

"Lucky I want a kiss from injunnie." Jeno whined

"Binch! We're even now you got the very first kiss and I got the first Renjun initiated kiss." Jaemin says doing a victory dance.

"Pffft I guess so huh? You know you really are adorable nana." Jeno says back hugging Jaemin.

"You're not too bad yourself." Jaemin smirks and gives Jeno a kiss on the cheek


Wowie guys i made a kinda decent sized chapter. Again I apologize for not being able to upload as much but thank you guys so much for 3.2k reads and 186 votes!!!!!!!!! That's absolutely insane!! I hope you enjoy this story as it progresses and um hope you payed attention because there may or may not have been some hints ;). Anyways have a good day/night!!!!! Love ya guys!!!!

-Author Jaehi

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