Twenty Four

476 14 15

Renjun POV


I get the door and see Sicheng he brings a plastic bag probably with our lunch.

"Hey injun how are you"

"I'm doing alright just waiting for you to show up"

"Have you even talked to the two boys yet"

"No......but I will tomorrow as promised"

"Wait really???? Dang my brother isn't a shy coward anymore?"


"I'll get it" Sicheng says opening the door.

Sicheng POV

As I open the door and I see none other than Jeno and Jaemin. I look back to where renjun was and saw him sprint to the bathroom.

I take back saying he isn't a coward

Now sicheng that isn't a very nice thing to say to your brother

Um who the fu- i mean fork are you

Why didn't you just swear

Because everytime I do I hear Kun's voice yelling at me

Weirdo......well anyways I'm your conscience

Damn I have one of those I thought I lost that the me and Yuta started dating, 

Yes, yes you do and don't say that about you brother or boyfriend 

No I will think whatever I please

But don't you love them

Yea but they are both weird so I have every right to criticize 


"Umm hello are you okay" a voice snaps me out. "You were staring off into space for a good solid minute" Jeno says with visible concern.

"Ah sorry just kind of lost in my thoughts" I say lauging off trying to reassure them I'm not a weirdo.

"Oh must run in the family hahah Renjun does that often and gets so lost in his thoughts that we have to snap him out of it with water" Jaemin says laughing

Hah renjuns a fricking weirdo

You literally just did the same thing

No that's different I was talking to my conscience he was lost in his thoughts



I- I have no words for you what did yuta do to you

Many things and some of which I cannot say because of privacy

I didn't ask

But you did 

Why am I even here 

Same so that's what I'm wondering too

The disrespect........

You show up here randomly and you expect me to respect you


I disagree with that sentiment 

"Haha well are you here to check up on renjun?"

"Ummmm yes is he okay? Does he need anything? Is he eating healthy? Did he do his homework? Did he like the cookies?" Jaemin says bombarding me with questions.

"Yes.i don't know.yes.i hope he did.and yes" I nailed that damn I'm so cool.

"Oh and lastly is he going to come home."

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