Thirty two

396 15 11

"Renjun? What's wrong?"

"G-ge somethings wrong with sicheng...."

"What?! what's wrong"

I start crying a little but quietly so that I don't wake anyone up.

"Injunnie I'm gonna need you to take deep breaths and tell me what's wrong okay?"

I calm down and take deep breaths as kun instructs me to.

"He asked me to meet at first but then he started cutting things out I don't know if it was intentional but he asked me to write down what he said."

"What'd he say?"

"The address is 490 oaks help.......don't.......come him.......You got the address down?" 


"Kun ge?"

"Renjun I'm going to hang up but please stay home and if I call you again call the police okay?"

"Ge what's going on...."

"Nothing just whatever you do just don't go to that place okay? Also, I just want to tell you that you mean a lot to me okay i have to go but goodbye."

"Kun wh-


I look over to see Jeno and Jaemin still sleeping soundly and grab my phone and go up to the roof. I lock the door to the roof, make sure no one is here, and start sobbing. Why is this happening? Everyone I'm with is always in constant danger..... Somethings going on with sicheng I need to help this time I can't leave him.

I grasp the piece of paper head down to the lobby. I call an taxi outside and they smile at me and ask where I need to head.

"Hi my names Taeyong where do you need to get headed to?"

"490 oaks street please."

"Hmmm alright are you okay your eyes are a bit puffy?" He says a bit worried.

"Oh um yes I'm okay thank you."

"So how come your out here so early it's 4:15"

"Oh um I'm just going to meet my brother."

"oooooh well Korea's quite small so if you're comfortable enough what's his name?"

"ohh um dong sicheng."

"Hey that's yuta's boyfriend right," He turns and smiles at me in realization.

"Oh um yeah that's him," I smile being put at little ease.

"You know Sicheng seems super quiet and shy but when I got to know him he's a witty and diligent."

"He is like that......." I say giggling to myself. He seemed to notice it and we talk more.

"Did you know this one time we were at a restaurant and we were talking about santa because it was Christmas." 


"He might be raising animals, like horses."

"Reindeer?" Jaehyun asks.

"Reindeer." Sicheng says confirming while being embarrased.

Chenle didn't get the joke so he goes on with his story until he sees Jaehyun smacking the table dying of laughter. 

"Sorry? What did I miss?" Chenle says dumbfounded 

"Let's move on."


"He said Santa Claus-" Jaehyun says trying to form a sentence while dying of laughter.

"Keeps horses." He says finishing while chenle start laughing along with him.

*Flashback ends*

"When Jaehyun got home he could barely even form sentences and he told me the story and started laughing." He says as we both giggle.

"Well we're here.....You sure this is the place it looks almost deserted." Taeyong says stopping the vehicle double checking the address.

"Yep thank you taeyong hyung how much do I pay."

"Oh um no don't sweat it but can i have your number because this place it just.....feels off...." Taeyong said a little worried.

"It'll be ok hyung but if you won't accept payment I can give you my number." I typed it in his phone and he gave me his.

"Thanks hyung hope you have a great day."

"Thank you, you too......just tell me if somethings up okay?"

"Yes hyung don't worry." I say giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay well see you stay safe." He says driving off.

I'm about to enter the house then suddenly I someones voice I go to a window and make sure no one can see me. I see Sicheng on the ground and yuta tied to a chair with his mouth covered......he's crying Their strings are connected. I see Kun at the door I hear two voices....

*Trigger Warning*

"STOP THIS NOW!!!" Kun yells

"Who might you be?" I see my mother cross the room and step on sichengs back in the process. I'm petrified....I can't move......S-she....she has a gun in her hands.......I immediately look at yuta and sicheng and none of them are bleeding or have bullet wounds.


"This one right here," she points and sicheng, "He ran away and left his poor younger brother for me to find." She laughs holding up sichengs head with his hair. He has a black eye and bruises all over his back. 

"Ah- and of course he just had to be more of a disappointment and get a boy toy." She says while kicking yuta in his stomach making him fall down.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!!!" Sicheng screams while grabbing her ankle so she trips.

"WHY YOU LITT-" She screams at him and puts him at gunpoint.

"Don't. You. Dare." Kun says pushing her off of Sicheng.


"Ah- you can't even remember my face.......I guess it has been awhile........



hehe suprise!!! anyways if you didn't get the hint in chapter 30 I think? I capitalized letter to spell out 


u can go ahead and check as well....someone notice how there was capital letters where there shouldn't be but didn't figure it out lol. hope you liked the chapter more on the way soon. bai bai.

~The Cut String~ NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now