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"Injunnie wake up please.....Are you okay please wake up." I hear as I'm shaken.

I'm sobbing and gasping for air. I identify the two people by my side as Jeno and Jaemin. I can't breathe or talk. I run and grab my phone and earbuds and lock the bathroom door. They are both knocking the door asking if I'm okay but I can't form words. I play the two songs on my phone and I get my breathing under control. I open the door to two people in tears and immediately hug me.

"Hey is everything okay we were going to wake you up for class and you started gasping for air and crying." Jeno says hugging me tightly.

"Yeah sorry I just had a nightmare and I guess it was so vivid and it sent me into an anxiety attack" I say laughing a little

"We're always here to listen if you want to talk." Jaemin says looking at me leaning his head on my shoulder. I feel my ears are burning red hopefully they don't notice.

"Thank you" I whispered it and just sank into the hug. 

Renjun stop this they are dating you are going to keep falling deeper. You'll never fit in with them there's a reason your string is cut. I break out of the hug and they look a bit shocked. "C'mon guys let's get ready for class" I say offering my hands to help them up. It backfired because they pulled me back into the hug.

"Just please let us hug you we have about an hour till class." Jaemin said with pleading eyes.

"But why?"

"You clearly need a hug Injunnie." Jeno says.

"That's a bit weird it's usually Jaemin who calls me injunnie." 

"Well can I call you that?"

"Yeah I would like that a lot"

Jeno POV


Renjun POV 

WHAT DID I SAYYYYYYYYY????!!! Ok renjun stay calm you just turn this around

"Since all of my friends call me that it's nice."

Jeno POV


Renjun POV

Good job you played that off so well renjun. 

Thanks renjun. 

No problem renjun.

I think I've driven myself insane.

Nah you're fine.

I'm literally having a conversation with myself renjun.

Yeah...that's kinda odd renjun



Well it's not as weird as chenle

Hey don't say that about my best friend 

Oh and what are you gonna do about it renjun 

I-I'll punch you?

How would that even work

Well only one way to find out

Ow you actually punched me what the fuck

Watch your language 

Woah wait who was that renjun?

I don't know renjun but it reminds me of kun

Yeahhhh me too

Wait don't we have class

OH SHI- I mean oh shittaki mushrooms your right renjun

It's *you're 

Shut up renjun 

Sorry renjun

Third Person POV

Renjun breaks from the hug after an interesting conversation. He leaves the two who are a bit sad but they understand that they need to get to class. 

"Hey are you sure you can go to class injunnie" Jaemin asks getting up

"Yeah I'm fine." Renjun smiles

"How about we hang out today after class." Jeno suggest

"I can't sorry I have 2 shift at coffee shops and cafes today."

"Oooooohhhh what coffee shops."

"Well at 2:30-3:30pm is at Moomin cafe and 4:30-6:00pm at Tarbucks."

"How about we hang out in between your shift 3:30-4:30?"

"Oh um sure"

~The Cut String~ NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now