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Third Person POV

"Why are you hoes going through injun's phone huh?" Haechan yelled at them.

"I know we shouldn't have but we just wanted to see what we were in his contacts and that's it I swear." Jaemin says.

"I wish we hadn't...." Jeno says looking down.

"Why" Haechan asked.

"I'm saved as 'guy who doesn't like me' in his contact" Jeno says being pat on the back by Jaemin.

"Are. you. FREAKING. Serious??!! So what if he thinks of you that way. How do you know his mind hasn't changed through the time being with you guys today." Haechan yells a little softly.

"Well I guess I never thought of that" Jeno says looking up slightly.

"Of course you didn't...You and Jaemin share an IQ of a lamp post" Haechan quips.

"Hey that's not nice hyung" they all turn their heads to see Chenle, Mark, and Jisung enter.

"Wow thank you Chenle at least someone here sees we are smart" Jaemin says confidently.

"I think what Chenle is trying to say is you're not smart but is saying that it's not nice to insult a street light." Jisung says making a witty remark.

"You stole the word right out of my mouth." Chenle says covering his mouth dramatically.

"Anyways....Oh look Renjun left his phone here I should call him to tell him he left his phone." Chenle says.

"OH MY GOD WHY ISN'T HE ANSWERING DOES HE HATE US THAT MUCH???!!" Chenle says dialing Renjuns phone for the seventh time.

"I have no words you all are idiots.....Where is Renjun when I need him" Haechan says facepalming himself.

"Hey what about me?" Mark says giving Haechan puppy eyes.

"Pfft what about you, you heard me right" Haechan deadpans

Mark looks at Haechan still giving him even bigger puppy eyes which Haechan can't help but to blush at. "Well ok fine you are a special idiot to me ok?" He says winking at Mark causing Mark to push Haechan away blushing.

Renjun then sprints into the room, "I AM HERE" He says trying to make his best All Might face.

"I take it back renjun we are no longer best friends I guess I'm forced to be best friends with Chenle."

"Aww thank-. . . . Wait.... WAS I NOT ONE OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS ALREADY????!!!"


Chenle tries to tackle Haechan but Jisung quickly back hugs him holding him back while Mark is trying to hold Haechan back.

"If y'all wanna hug each other there's the door" Renjun says

"THERE'S THE DOOR BITCH" Jeno screams.

Renjun laughed and was a little shocked that Jeno got the reference. "Wow I can't believe you got the reference. I suddenly respect you."

"Suddenly? You didn't respect me before?" Jeno asks laughing

"You know what I meant." Renjun says lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Is Renjun being nice?" Chenle screeches 

"Can I not be?"

"Well I like you no matter what you act like." Jaemin says winking at him

Renjun went red  just for a split second and didn't respond to that statement so he just ignored it.

"Well me and Hyuck should get going to our apartment. C'mon hyuck." Mark says trying to drag Haechan off the couch.

"I'm too lazy to walk though." Haechan say whining 

Mark get down to Haechan's level and faces his back signaling for Haechan to get on his back. Haechan jumps on his back and they head for the door.

"Awww that was so cute Jisung can I go on your back I'm too lazy to walk." Chenle says making grabby hands.

Jisung blushes but agrees as he puts Chenle on his back and they also head for the door. Now it's just Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun in the apartment. 

"I think I'm going to head to bed. Good night Jaemin. Good night Jeno."

"Just call me Nana. Sleep well"

"And you can call me Nono. Also sweet dreams"

"Ok then goodnight Nono and Nana." Renjun says as they all giggle.

Renjun is about to go to sleep but then grabs his phone and opens up his contacts.

You want to save Guy who doesn't like me as "Nono ?"?

II yes II no II

Contact name is now changed to Nono ?

You want to save Weird dude as "Nana ?"?

II yes II no II

Contact name is now changed to Nana ?


Here's a special "I'm sorry for missing the double update." Hope ya'll enjoyed stayed tuned for more chapters (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.

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